No longer are buildings created based on replicas of the past.  Architecture is now being driven by a media revolution of the present and future according to Marc Kushner, case a young architect and writer who recently discussed in his TED Talk how buildings of the future will be shaped by you. “Architecture is not about math or zoning— it’s about visceral emotions, sales ” Marc says.  Americans spend 90 percent of their time indoors, help so how space is created matters.  

Architecture creates emotion.  How something is built affects people, and now more than ever, individuals can impact the future of architecture due to the advances in technology and transportation.  In the past, technology had not matched the speed of architecture, and often governments, businesses, and people were scared by innovative concepts.  Beauty often happens in innovation and as media connects on a more global level and in real-time, risk lessons, voices are heard better, and decisions more accurately reflect current culture.  There is the opportunity to communicate how architecture makes one feel due to digital media’s presence, which in turn, changes our relationship to architecture.  We are all part of the creation as opposed to simply part of witnessing the result.  

To watch the entire TED Talk, click here.