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[Translate] Ryan Grim Lobbyists and trade groups have pumped huge sums into the coffers of super PACs and...
read more[Translate] Ryan Grim Lobbyists and trade groups have pumped huge sums into the coffers of super PACs and...
read more[Translate] These seafood retailers have adopted reprehensible practices in their quest for fish-driven profit. By Casson Trenor /...
read more[Translate] Congressman Luis Gutierrez dropped a simple fact during the House Judiciary Committee a couple of days ago. By...
read more[Translate] At first glance, one can be forgiven for thinking that a floral arrangement for a gay wedding doesn’t carry much...
read more[Translate] House Speaker John Boehner sustains big blow as members reject short-term funding measure Luke Brinker SALON.COM Topics:...
read more[Translate] Grist / H.I.L.T. Beyond gentrification By Brentin Mock GRIST There’s no greater gentrifier than climate change, and...
read more[Translate] | By By LUIS ANDRES HENAO and SETH BORENSTEIN CAPE LEGOUPIL, Antarctica (AP) — From the ground in this extreme northern...
read more[Translate] David Friedlander LIFE EDITED Architecture New York, sickness treat San Francisco, no rx Vancouver and, to a lesser...
read more[Translate] By Juan Cole TRUTHDIG Reprinted on Juan Cole’s Web page in honor of the passing of Mr. Nimoy, who inspired a generation....
read more[Translate] Shutterstock CCA, OMG By David Roberts GRIST An energy revolution is breaking out in California and a few other states,...
read more[Translate] Don McCullough By Greg Hanscom GRIST Climate change is a disaster in slow-motion: The global temperature creeps up by...
read more[Translate] As GOP leaders woo the far right at CPAC this week, I recall my past as a young Jerry Falwell. Here’s what I saw...
read more[Translate] by Emily Atkin THINK PROGRESS Science does not say this will increase your child’s risk of autism. CREDIT: Shutterstock...
read more[Translate] by Tara Culp-Ressler THINK PROGRESS New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie speaks during the Conservative Political Action...
read more[Translate] by Joe Romm CLIMATE PROGRSS January saw a coolish (“below average” temperature) North East but, story a relatively hotter...
read more[Translate] by Emily Atkin & Sacha Feinman CLIMATE PROGRESS The aftermath of an explosion at the ExxonMobil refinery in Torrance,...
read more[Translate] by Emily Atkin CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: Shutterstock The Obama administration has proposed the first-ever safety...
read more[Translate] by Ryan Koronowski CLIMATE PROGRESS Solar City employees install a solar panel on a home in south Denver. CREDIT: AP...
read more[Translate] by Emily Atkin CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: shutterstock Two Texas lawmakers have proposed a pair of bills that would...
read more[Translate] If you’re going to buy organic, start with apples, peaches and nectarines Lindsay Abrams SALON.COM Buyers beware:...
read more[Translate] ISIS poses no significant threat to the American people. So why are calls for troops on the ground increasing? Elias...
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read more[Translate] And the rich just keep getting richer. By Zaid Jilani / AlterNet Photo Credit: via YouTube The Oscars were this past...
read more[Translate] Labor We are all being “Uberized” out of economic security. By Robert Reich / AlterNet February 23, 2015...
read more[Translate] World Bit by bit, London has been handed over to pinstriped investors ‘reeking of lunch.’ By Ian Martin / The...
read more[Translate] Personal Health Increasing neuro-chemical and behavioral evidence suggests that sugar is addictive. By Jordan Gaines...
read more[Translate] Civil Liberties So-called “smart cities” are being heralded as the way of the future, but they have scary...
read more[Translate] INHABITAT Javier Senosiain’s Nautilus Home Sea shells have influenced the form of buildings in Japan, Monte Carlo, and...
read more[Translate] by Lori Zimmer, tadalafil case INHABITAT The futuristic BIODIVER[CITY] is a floating man-made island that doubles...
read more[Translate] Point of View / METROPOLIS MAGAZINE Anne-Marie Lubenau A vegetable garden on the roof of Via Verde provides fresh produce...
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