[Translate] Blog Hikes Newsroom Resources ACT DONATE RENEW on July 12 2022 Green River, Michael Collier by Michael Toll, Staff...
read more[Translate] Blog Hikes Newsroom Resources ACT DONATE RENEW on July 12 2022 Green River, Michael Collier by Michael Toll, Staff...
read moreDroughts That Start Over the Ocean? They’re Often Worse Than Those That Form Over Land
read moreBotswana says toxins in water killed hundreds of elephants
read moreWestern Colorado Water Purchases Stir Up Worries About The Future Of Farming
read moreTrump’s EPA Takes Away State & Tribal Rights To Protect Their Own Water
read more‘There’s No More Water’: Climate Change on a Drying Island
read moreNew Study Projects Severe Water Shortages in the Colorado River Basin
read moreEach year, the US uses over 3 million trees and 9 billion gallons of water to make toxin-tainted paper receipts.
read moreNearly 1,100 scientists, practitioners and experts in groundwater and related fields from 92 countries have called on the governments and non-governmental organizations to “act now” to ensure global groundwater sustainability.
read moreIt has been two years since severe drought forced twenty nine-year old Amena and her four children to leave their village Petaw Qol in Waras. Now, they reside in Bamyan city.
read moreEarlier this year, the seven states that depend on the Colorado River made history.
read moreDecades of short-sighted government policies are leaving millions defenseless in the age of climate disruptions – especially the country’s poor.
read moreIn 2015, United Nations member states adopted the Sustainable Development Goals, which include an imperative to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.” Yet, in the last four years, matters have deteriorated significantly.
read moreWant to make a difference and save more water? Find over 200 effective methods here!
read moreDesalinated seawater is the lifeblood of Saudi Arabia, no more so than at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, an international research center that rose from the dry, empty desert a decade ago.
read moreIowa’s first-in-the-nation caucuses bring the state a lot of political attention during presidential election cycles. But in my view, even though some candidates have outlined positions on food and farming, agriculture rarely gets the attention it deserves.
read moreIn southern Nevada, the problem is drought. Nineteen years of declining snowpack in the mountains that make up the Colorado River water basin has caused Lake Mead, the region’s primary source of drinking water, to drop about 130 feet.
read more“If we continue on this trajectory, ecosystems will be unable to provide natural insurance in the face of climate change-induced impacts on food, water, and infrastructure.”
read moreI have disturbing news I want to share with you. Following Hopi Tribe’s major legal defeat in losing water rights to LCR, a company called Pump Hydro — Storage LLC is proposing to build 2 dams near Sipaapu and Blue Springs. Both are critical to survival of Hopi culture and religion. It appears Navajo Nation is involved in some way.
read moreSince the Flint drinking water crisis erupted five years ago, Americans have realized that many cities and towns struggle to ensure safe water.
read more[Translate] News Environment & Health People attend a monument unveiling at the site of Okjökull, Iceland’s first glacier...
read moreTell me if you’ve heard this one before: A U.S. city is facing a public health crisis, after years of denying that it had a problem with lead in its drinking water supply.
read moreWater issues are becoming more prevalent around the country even as the EPA says it is prioritizing the issue.
read moreWater issues are becoming more prevalent around the country even as the EPA says it is prioritizing the issue.
read moreIf California is to meet its goal of running on 100-percent clean electricity by 2045, fields that once grew hay are going to have to start producing electrons.
read moreIt had been five days since water had stopped flowing out of the taps at Eneres Kaitano’s bungalow in southern Harare, Zimbabwe’s modern and tidy capital city. Five days since she had done any laundry. Five days since she had forbidden her children from using the toilet more than once a day.
read moreOn July 8, President Trump hosted a White House event to unabashedly tout his truly abysmal environmental record.
read moreEAST OROSI, Calif. — Water is a currency in California, and the low-income farmworkers who pick the Central Valley’s crops know it better than anyone. They labor in the region’s endless orchards, made possible by sophisticated irrigation systems, but at home their faucets spew toxic water tainted by arsenic and fertilizer chemicals.
read moreBuilding solar, wind, natural gas and water infrastructure all along the U.S.–Mexico border would create economic opportunity rather than antagonism
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