Beyond Harvey and Irma: Milita...
[Translate] Environment It’s time for the Pentagon to speak out against global warming; our national security is at stake. By...
read more[Translate] Environment It’s time for the Pentagon to speak out against global warming; our national security is at stake. By...
read more[Translate] environment For Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico, two paths lie ahead. By Maritza Silva-Farrell / AlterNet Rebuilding...
read more[Translate] Cases on gutting voting rights; labor, LGBTQ, immigrant and whistleblower protections; privacy and police searches. By...
read moreWhile Flint battles a water crisis, just two hours away the beverage giant pumps almost 100,000 times what an average Michigan resident uses into plastic bottles.
read more[Translate] News & Politics Witnesses recall smoke bombs, Nazi salutes and chants of “blood and soil.” By Alex Reid...
read more[Translate] Hard Science by Alexandra Ossola FUTURISM.COM Getty Images Built-In Damage Prevention On September 20, a massive 7.1...
read more[Translate] Mary Anne Andrei good reads By Nathanael Johnson GRIST.ORG Rick Hammond might look like a man of contradictions...
read more[Translate] Grist Explainer By Vishakha Darbha GRIST.ORG In 2014, United Nations officials sharply criticized Detroit’s practice...
read more[Translate] NEW YORK: The impact from the US decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement could be significantly mitigated...
read more[Translate] Richard Heinberg, Chuck Collins, Daniel Lerch, William Rees, Stephanie Mills, Joshua Farley, Asher Miller Coming...
read more[Translate] Environment We’ve got a precedent, we’ve got a dire need, and we have clearly defined culprits. By Sarah van...
read more[Translate] News & Politics Andrew Bacevich and Bill Moyers talk Trump and Kim Jong Un. By Bill Moyers / Photo...
read more[Translate] Personal Health What happens when big tech tries to solve public health crises? By Dr Roslyn Fuller / AlterNet Photo...
read more[Translate] by Tyler Durden ZEROHEDGE.COM Authored by Chris Hedges via, [4] The ruling elites, who grasp that the...
read more[Translate] Earth & Energy NTNU/Flickr In Brief Neil deGrasse Tyson has criticized politicians and the media for...
read more[Translate] Michael Vadon / CC BY 2.0 White House National Economic Council director Gary Cohn, former president of Goldman Sachs,...
read more[Translate] Nicholas Kristof nytimes Photo Marc Chagall’s view of the burning bush. According to the transcript below, the bush...
read more[Translate] California Sky Watch Air and water pollution, dying trees and crop losses, human health impacts Jet Trails Photos and...
read more[Translate] Human Rights Education should never feel like a warzone By Frank G. Karioris / Truthout Photo Credit: Wikimedia...
read more[Translate] News & Politics Ignoring climate change, white supremacy and North Korea only make these problems worse. By Marty...
read more[Translate] Imagine you’re driving your shiny new car too fast along a wet, curvy road. You turn a corner and realize you’re heading...
read more[Translate] Judge says president Michel Temer went beyond his authority in issuing decree to dissolve Renca, after fury from...
read more[Translate] too soon CIRA / RAMMB September is historically the busiest month of hurricane season in the Atlantic, and this year is...
read more[Translate] Environment Several experts on climate and resilience talk about the role of government. “Viewed correctly, sensible...
read more[Translate] Democracy & Government Renowned psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton on the Goldwater Rule: We have a duty to warn if...
read more[Translate] Model of impact of changing precipitation patterns in northern European, North American cities Source: University of...
read more[Translate] The country’s push to find clean domestic energy has zeroed in on natural gas, but cases of water contamination have...
read more[Translate] The Guardian – The world’s largest lithium-ion battery installed after the Aliso Canyon gas blowout has become a...
read more[Translate] Military crews were on standby with body bags for possible fatalities in the Keys while millions remain without power...
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