Fracking Firms Fail, Rewarding...
Fracking Firms Fail, Rewarding Executives and Raising Climate Fears
read moreFracking Firms Fail, Rewarding Executives and Raising Climate Fears
read moreSaving Chaco: As coronavirus consumes New Mexico, drilling threatens sacred land
read moreMethane Emissions Crisis and Rapid Global Heating: It is all Fossil Fuel Drilling and Fracking
read moreFor more than six months, twin brothers Ronald and Donald Schweitzer have watched large amounts of salty wastewater bubble up from the ground in their wheat field. The “saltwater purge” has killed three trees and several acres of crops on their northwest Oklahoma farm.
read moreEven as international climate negotiators tried to make progress at the UN climate summit in Madrid in early December, fossil fuel production and consumption has continued to rise, and major oil companies have been seeking new horizons to exploit.
read moreThe first satellite designed to continuously monitor the planet for methane leaks made a startling discovery last year: A little known gas-well accident at an Ohio fracking site was in fact one of the largest methane leaks ever recorded in the United States.
read moreForget “climate change” and “global warming”: Environmental advocates are increasingly using phrases that emphasize the urgency of our planetary pickle, such as “climate crisis,” “climate emergency,” and “existential threat.”
read moreOn Monday, the leading distributor of natural gas in the Northeast, National Grid, sent an urgent-sounding email to many of its New York customers —
read moreA group of doctors and scientists have released a report highlighting that 84 percent of studies published from 2009-2015 on the health impacts of fracking conclude the industry causes harm to human health.
read moreIn a key property rights decision, two West Virginia residents scored a rare victory from the state Supreme Court.
read more“This is great news, but as a presidential candidate, in order to show real national leadership on climate and clean energy, Inslee must endorse a ban on fracking across the country.”
read moreEnvironmental groups are preparing for a fight against the proposal that would end a five-year fracking moratorium in central California
read moreThe gas industry and its allies in Congress hope to push LNG exports to the island’s electricity grid, ravaged from climate change-fueled natural disaster.
read more“Oil and gas has already devastated our state’s air quality, water quality and flow, and public health. It’s clear the Trump administration will stop at nothing to sacrifice public interest for private profits.”
read more“Other countries, namely China, are frantically investing in renewables. For us to crow about our oil wealth, and not focus on renewables, is for us to miss the opportunity to be leaders in the world as it’s going to be.”
read moreA federal court today ordered the Trump administration to stop issuing permits for offshore fracking in federal waters off the California coast.
read moreAfter years of bitter fights over oil and gas development, Colorado voters have managed to get a statewide anti-fracking measure on the November ballot.
read more[Translate] Toxic wastewater from fracking jumps 14-fold from 2011 to 2016 — and it may get 50 times bigger by 2030. Joe Romm think...
read more[Translate] Bill McKibben From Wall Street to the pope, many increasingly see fossil fuels as anything but a sure bet. That gives us...
read more[Translate] Written by Dr Michael Salla The surge in volcanic activity in the lower Puna region of the Big Island of...
read more[Translate] by Nancy LeTourneau WASHINGTONMONTHLY.COM Political Animal Gage Skidmore/Flickr Much has been made of Donald Trump’s...
read moreThe battle over fracking pits corporate power against communities whose very health is imperiled.
read more10 Claims that Help Us Understand Natural Gas Drilling Controversy
read more[Translate] The country’s push to find clean domestic energy has zeroed in on natural gas, but cases of water contamination have...
read more[Translate] August 1, 2017 Photo by Flickr user Peter Craven. (cc) 2009 Subscribe to Hightower’s Radio Lowdown with your...
read more[Translate] Environment Lax federal and state regulations have led to the illegal dumping of dirty drilling fluids. By Lorraine Chow...
read more[Translate] Environment Peoples Climate March, New York City, September 21, 2014. Photo Credit: andyparker72/Shutterstock We...
read more[Translate] By Jessica Corbett / Common Dreams VIA TRUTHDIG Sen. Bernie Sanders speaking on Capitol Hill in June. (Edward Kimmel...
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