[Translate] Earth & Energy FUTURISM.COM Pavegen In Brief Today on Bird Street in London, a new outdoor shopping space was...
read more[Translate] Earth & Energy FUTURISM.COM Pavegen In Brief Today on Bird Street in London, a new outdoor shopping space was...
read more[Translate] Adam Peck Editor at ThinkProgress. Several official Twitter accounts lobbied Congress in support of the AHCA bill. Dan...
read more[Translate] StoryJune 30, 2017 Watch Full Show <iframe...
read more[Translate] by Melissa Pamer and Kimberly Cheng, LOCALNEWS A brush fire burning in Topanga Canyon above PCH was 10 percent contained...
read more[Translate] by the National Vaccine Information Center Your action is needed to OPPOSE California AB 443 Optometry: scope of...
read more[Translate] injury to insult GRIST.ORG. REUTERS/Juan Carlos Ulate Data keeps coming in suggesting that climate change will worsen...
read moreExcerpt of speech by Oliver Stone at Writer’s Guild Awards 2017
read more[Translate] NVIC.ORG. By Barbara Loe Fisher To activate and view hyperlinked references, please click here once and then click any...
read more[Translate] Liar, liar, forest fire GRIST Republican State Rep. Mike Noel said this week that “tree huggers” were to blame for a...
read more[Translate] In the summer of 2011, Los Alamos National Laboratory presented a happy self-portrait to the public. The lab’s news...
read more[Translate] Bill Moyers This weekend, The New York Times printed every lie Donald Trump has told since taking office. The effort...
read more[Translate] Environment Repealing the Clean Water Rule will make it easier for polluters to contaminate the water supply for millions...
read more[Translate] Reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals by replacing some of the toxic foods lurking in your fridge. By Annie B. Bond /...
read more[Translate] Snøhetta/Plompmozes HARVARDCGBC.ORG In Brief The HouseZero project is taking a pre-1940s house and retrofitting it to be...
read more[Translate] Our bees are in trouble. Global bee populations have been falling for quite a while now at an alarming...
read more[Translate] Joe Romm Dr. Joe Romm is Founding Editor of Climate Progress Knowledge of climate science plus mastery of storytelling is...
read more[Translate] When gross liars don’t have hypnotism, they don’t have anything. Jon Rappoport The ship is going down by Jon...
read more[Translate] Natasha Geiling Reporter at ThinkProgress. CREDIT: (AP Photo/Jerome Delay, File Last week, the United States did...
read more[Translate] REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson climate desk By Maya L. Kapoor GRIST.ORG This story was originally published by High Country...
read more[Translate] David Pomerantz, Energy and Policy Institute | News Analysis A climate change protest in New York City,...
read more[Translate] Comments by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News Our UK correspondent Christina England brings us this report...
read more[Translate] Environment The EPA hands a gift to the oil and gas industry, while putting children at heightened risk from...
read more[Translate] News & Politics Corporate media is finally talking about Trumpcare. It’s too little too late. By Adam Johnson /...
read more[Translate] Sarah van Gelder, YES! Magazine | News Analysis On Feb. 26, 2008, a $9-million underground seed vault began operating...
read more[Translate] jameslyonsweiler Vaccine Safety Research Reform YOUR RIGHT TO SWING YOUR ARMS ENDS WHERE MY NOSE BEGINS. We are a...
read more[Translate] Freedom-of-information data reveals threat of drought that would devastate wildlife, with government slow to act on water...
read more[Translate] Democracy & Government The parallel between Nixon and Trump is almost exact. By Robert Reich | This post originally...
read more[Translate] By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World As the debate continues to rage about whether or not...
read more[Translate] Nearly everyone other than science-denying Republican Party leaders understands the importance of a carbon pollution tax...
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