Michael Bloomberg Promises $50...
Michael R. Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York City, said on Friday he would donate $500 million to a new campaign to close every coal-fired power plant in the United States
read moreMichael R. Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York City, said on Friday he would donate $500 million to a new campaign to close every coal-fired power plant in the United States
read more“Yours is a grave and sobering responsibility, but it is also a shining opportunity. You go out into a world where mankind is challenged, as it has never been challenged before, to prove its maturity and its mastery — not of nature, but of itself.”
read moreI wrote Figuring (public library) to explore the interplay between chance and choice, the human search for meaning in an unfeeling universe governed by equal parts precision and randomness, the bittersweet beauty of asymmetrical and half-requited loves…
read more[Translate] Former President Jimmy Carter is no stranger to solar power. He was so taken with it during his presidency that he...
read more[Translate] The head of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation argues that the famous architect’s built legacy and concepts are...
read more[Translate] Visions A devil called Eurocentric modernism unhinged us from our real wants and needs. By Lynn Stuart Parramore /...
read more[Translate] Dan Schawbel , FORBES.COM John Paul DeJoria I spoke to John Paul DeJoria, the cofounder and chairman of the...
read more[Translate] Visions A devil called Eurocentric modernism unhinged us from our real wants and needs. By Lynn Stuart Parramore /...
read more[Translate] Melissa Breyer TREEHUGGER.COM Science / Natural Sciences Video screen capture Vimeo David Milarch is on a quest to save...
read more[Translate] Nikola Tesla, the father of radio, television, power transmission, the induction motor, the robot and the cosmic ray, was...
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read more[Translate] GLOBAL ENERGY NEWS Investor, philanthropist and environmentalist Tom Steyer speaks at the Center for American...
read more[Translate] Whites can play an important role in restraining other whites. By Frank Joyce / AlterNet The future of life on the planet...
read more[Translate] Climate change is obviously a real concern. So how do deniers close their minds to reality? A scientist explains Paul...
read more[Translate] by Maria Popova BRAIN PICKINGS The legendary inventor predicts “the acquisition of new fields of endeavor by women” and...
read more[Translate] Acclaimed naturalist plants – sometimes prickly – questions for U.S. president during visit to White House. By Esther...
read more[Translate] NYTimes.com » Nicholas Kristof By NICHOLAS KRISTOF That’s me in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan, interviewing...
read more[Translate] Director Shalini Kantayya talks to Salon about the incredible potential of solar power Lindsay Abrams SALON.COM ...
read more[Translate] Environment Guided by watersheds, mountains and local knowledge, bioregionalism is a logical way to create boundaries. By...
read more[Translate] WRITTEN TO CASEY COATES DANSON, DECEMBER 2014 AND A MUST READ! It’s really hard to know what to say about the...
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