[Translate] By Peter Whoriskey WASHINGTON POST After Hurricane Katrina, movie star Brad Pitt descended on New Orleans to help rebuild...
read more[Translate] By Peter Whoriskey WASHINGTON POST After Hurricane Katrina, movie star Brad Pitt descended on New Orleans to help rebuild...
read more[Translate] By Juan Cole Shutterstock This post originally ran on Juan Cole’s website. Switching to green energy sources like...
read more[Translate] by The Dirt Contributor The Los Angeles landscape architecture and design community was surprised by the recent...
read more[Translate] Frederic J. Brown / AFP / Getty Images Chronic homelessness, especially among children and youth, is overwhelming public...
read more[Translate] http://highline.huffingtonpost.com/articles/en/welcome-to-beautiful-parkersburg/ A Toxic Chemical Ruined the Lives of...
read more[Translate] Middle East By Liz Sly WASHINGTON POST Children play amid garbage at an informal Syrian refugee settlement near...
read more[Translate] Algae warning along Lake Erie, in Ohio REUTERS/Joshua Lott Against the ooze By Heather Mack GRIST I have a...
read more[Translate] iLoveMountains.org By Laura Gottesdiener GRIST Cross-posted from TomDispatch In Appalachia, explosions have leveled the...
read more[Translate] 1 all images courtesy of sustainer homes in the outskirts of amsterdam, there is a courages...
read more[Translate] DESIGNBOOM 0 all images courtesy of new energy technologies american company, new energy...
read more[Translate] David Friedlander LIFE EDITED Architecture I’ve long expressed my enthusiasm for clever renovations of old spaces. The...
read more[Translate] In Brief Buzz Aldrin and Florida Institute of Technology are developing “a master plan” to colonize Mars within 25...
read more[Translate] Environment Establishment Dems are trying to take climate action while still satisfying corporate interests. That...
read more[Translate] by Allen Insight DAILY KOS attribution: None Specified If we don’t begin phasing out fossil fuels this decade,...
read more[Translate] by mtosnerFollow DAILY KOS Tweet 289 Comments / 289 New The above is roughly what 8.5 Trillion dollars would look...
read more[Translate] What does it mean to have a currency that isn’t transparent? It means when the head of the Federal Reserve says he...
read more[Translate] SB 277 signed into Law and is EFFECTIVE July 1, 2016 Governor Brown signed SB 277 the most stringent vaccine mandate in...
read more[Translate] By Foster Gamble When it comes to vaccines, either you agree to have your child (and/or yourself) injected with...
read more[Translate] TAKE PART DAILY Activists tracking these deals say rich countries are buying up land—93 million acres—and displacing...
read more[Translate] INHABITAT by Lucy Wang, 08/26/15 il A pair of cabins made from weathered steel and reclaimed barn wood has popped up...
read more[Translate] Food How can we get the most out of our farmland without harming the planet? I traveled to rural Mexico to learn from...
read more[Translate] A sweeping food safety reform bill was passed five years ago, but not a single new rule has yet been implemented — and...
read more[Translate] By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! | Video Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders recently convened a panel of...
read more[Translate] <d Ten years ago Hurricane Katrina made landfall in New Orleans, Louisiana. On August 29, 2005, the force of this...
read more[Translate] THE DIRT by Jared Green Mexico City, one of the world’s great megalopolises, with more than 20 million people, is...
read more[Translate] JUSTICE by Carimah Townes CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: Associated Press/DAVID J. PHILLIP Evacuated prisoners wait out the...
read more[Translate] By Aram Sinnreich TRUTHDIG Ruins in the ancient city of Palmyra, Syria, before the country was plunged into...
read more[Translate] by Tara Culp-Ressler THINK PROGRESS CREDIT: Shutterstock In a legislative landscape where politicians seek to restrict...
read more[Translate] By Kieran Cooke, Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG Overfishing compounds ocean damage from climate change....
read more[Translate] FIX.COM Make Sure Your Next Trip is a Green One! BY ANDREA MOORE, MARINE BIOLOGIST I was born with the travel bug. As...
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