[Translate] The Guardian Climate change Exclusive: an agency inside the Obama administration poured billions into fossil fuel...
read more[Translate] The Guardian Climate change Exclusive: an agency inside the Obama administration poured billions into fossil fuel...
read more[Translate] Environment A decades-long fight to protect one of the most ecologically sensitive and culturally important places in San...
read more[Translate] Environment It’s unclear if the Southeast will become wetter or drier due to climate change—and that will have a big...
read more[Translate] BILL BERKOWITZ FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT (Photo: Prosavage2600)Betsy DeVos, Present-elect Donald Trump’s pick to...
read more[Translate] Nonviolent direct action was the 20th century’s greatest invention—and it is the key to saving the earth in the 21st...
read more[Translate] BILL QUIGLEY FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT (Photo: Genusfotografen)When you find yourself in a suddenly darkened room,...
read more[Translate] Mark Trahant CAMPAIGN FOR AMERICA’S FUTURE The following was originally published at Trahant Reports...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG Nearly a foot of snow has blanketed Standing Rock since Monday. (Standing Rock Rising / Facebook)...
read more[Translate] Matt Agorist THEFREETHOUGHTPROJECT.COM In one of the largest organized marches in the history of the world, tens...
read more[Translate] INHABITAT ‘insecurities: tracing displacement and shelter’ — an exhibition on view at new york’s MoMA until...
read more[Translate] Food A healthy, balanced diet can help alleviate post-election anxiety. By Reynard Loki / AlterNet President Barack Obama...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG The Washington Post headquarters in Washington, D.C. The paper’s report about purportedly pro-Russian...
read more[Translate] By Chris Hedges TRUTHDIG Mr. Fish / Truthdig We await the crisis. It could be economic. It could be a terrorist...
read more[Translate] Joe Romm Dr. Joe Romm is Founding Editor of Climate Progress, “the indispensable blog,” as NY Times columnist Tom...
read more[Translate] Economy A politically diverse coalition fighting predatory lenders in South Dakota offers hope for all of us in a...
read more[Translate] Human Rights Fidel Castro immediately had a special significance for countless Black Americans. By Bill Fletcher, Jr. /...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 None of this should be normalized, ever. By Janet Allon / AlterNet Photo Credit: FlickR/Gage...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 Donald Trump’s victory represents something as old as the nation itself. By Frank Joyce / AlterNet Donald...
read more[Translate] By NICHOLAS CASEY NYTIMES Photo Migrants preparing to board the smugglers’ boats that will take them from Venezuela to...
read more[Translate] OFF THE RECORD “Earth Has Shifted”- Inuit Elders Issue Grave Warning To NASA And The World [VIDEO] Living in the Canadian...
read more[Translate] PRISON BOON “QUARTZ” Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates. (AP Photo/J. David Ake, File) Written by Hanna...
read more[Translate] by Greg Beach INHABITAT.COM View Slideshow A new solar summer rises from the ashes of nuclear winter. Two Chinese energy...
read more[Translate] Growing number of synagogues as well as two dozen cities offer protection amid threat of deportation under Trump...
read more[Translate] Food Their fundamental premise is that the value of farmland lies in its contribution to food production, lasting...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 The stakes and lines of inquiry became clearer as the Clinton campaign joined the effort. By Steven...
read more[Translate] boy with blue eyes thinking while sitting by the window A first of its kind groundbreaking study of over 650 children...
read more[Translate] by Eric Umansky PRO PUBLIC Journalist Masha Gessen has spent years reporting on Vladimir Putin’s rule in Russia. She has...
read more[Translate] Map of major natural gas and oil pipelines in the United States. Hazardous liquid lines in red, gas transmission lines in...
read more[Translate] How Industry Money Reaches Physicians by Charles Ornstein, Tracy Weber and Dan Nguyen ProPublica, ProPublica’s...
read more[Translate] RMI left, The RMI Innovation Center, © Tim Griffith; right © Romy Purshouse The buildings we spend over 90 percent our...
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