Putin’s war and global energy...
[Translate] Security and ecological imperatives converge 1 APRIL 2022, ROY MORRISON Green hydrogen can be combined with other forms...
read more[Translate] Security and ecological imperatives converge 1 APRIL 2022, ROY MORRISON Green hydrogen can be combined with other forms...
read more[Translate] Enough energy, in fact, to power the entire globe. This technology is so revolutionary, it’s poised to decimate Big Oil’s...
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read moreWhy Do Oil Companies Care So Much About Your Carbon Footprint
read moreA fight over the world’s longest river is a preview of climate change diplomacy.
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read moreSolar-For-Coal Swaps Could Turbocharge Clean Energy Revolution (#CleanTechnica Interview)
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read moreStates are confronting the future of gas in buildings — and facing a set of high-stakes questions.
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A small pipeline poses big questions about the future of natural gas in New York.
With New Manipulation of Benefit-Cost Analysis, the Trump EPA Attempts to Hide Bodies in the Fine Print
read moreRenewables Provide All New US Electricity Capacity In April, Oil Companies Shedding Jobs, But Investment Community Remains Oblivious
read moreNew York Approves Largest Wind Farm Ever, But Not Everyone Is Happy About It
read moreWith New Manipulation of Benefit-Cost Analysis, the Trump EPA Attempts to Hide Bodies in the Fine Print
read moreThere’s a Lot Less Pollution But Climate Change Is Still Getting Worse
read moreRural Electric Co-op Blows Up Energy Storage Race With “Secret” Battery
read moreThese dirty power plants cost billions and only operate in summer. Can they be replaced?
read moreMovie Review: Michael Moore’s “Planet of the Humans” Traffics in Myths, Errors, and Dangerous Misdirection
read moreThe power plant of the future could run on nuclear waste
read moreGlobal Financial Giants Swear Off Funding an Especially Dirty Fuel
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