[Translate] By Derek Royden, | News Analysis It’s well established that the FBI surveilled civil rights and other...
read more[Translate] By Derek Royden, | News Analysis It’s well established that the FBI surveilled civil rights and other...
read more[Translate] By David Edwards, The Conversation | News Analysis Much of the Earth was once cloaked in vast forests, from the...
read more[Translate] By JULIA HOROWITZ Associated Press Videos California Passes Mandatory Vaccine Bill SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) —...
read more[Translate] by Natasha Geiling CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: CLIMATE PROGRESS Sixteen states filed lawsuits Monday aimed at blocking the...
read more[Translate] By Paul Krugman — NYTIMES Op-Ed (Image: SCHRANK; England/CartoonArts International/The New York Times Syndicate)...
read more[Translate] Kate Sheppard HUFFINGTON POST WASHINGTON — While the Supreme Court’s Monday ruling on mercury standards was a...
read more[Translate] HUFFINGTON POST WENATCHEE, Wash. (AP) — From just across the Wenatchee River, Dominick Bonny watched a whole...
read more[Translate] David Friedlander LIFE EDITED Behavior One of the bigger questions about downsizing and living with less concerns how it...
read more[Translate] Joshua Ferrer CAMPAIGN FOR AMERICA’S FUTURE Beth Hughes of Tippecanoe County, Ind., is raising three kids with a...
read more[Translate] by Stephen WolfFollow for Daily Kos Elections States where Democrats could gain from redistricting reform ballot...
read more[Translate] By Tim Radford, Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG Depletion of aquifers adds to pressures on farmers in...
read more[Translate] The actor calls it “appalling” that Costco markets eggs “with deceptive labeling on cartons featuring graphics of...
read more[Translate] Remembering the late Fred Branfman’s lifetime of revolutionary political activism. By Frank Joyce / AlterNet...
read more[Translate] Economy Despite social advances, racial segregation exists on a much larger geographic scale than ever before. By Robert...
read more[Translate] by Meteor Blades DAILY KOS The U.S. Supreme Court plunked a setback into the lap of the Environmental Protection Agency...
read more[Translate] A psychologist and former addict insists that the illness model for addiction is wrong, and dangerously so Laura Miller...
read more[Translate] Casey Coates Danson My dear friend, Terrence McNally, moderates this program. Please listen. FOUNDATION EARTH RANDY...
read more[Translate] It’s the next wave in a revolution of GMO crops—and it’s happening right under our noses. (Photo: Justin...
read more[Translate] A woman in India walks atop a water main on her way to collect water. (Photo: Meena Kadri/Flickr) takepart features The...
read more[Translate] » Nicholas Kristof By NICHOLAS KRISTOF That’s me in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan, interviewing...
read more[Translate] By Paola Casale (about the author) Permalink (Page 1 of 1 pages) OP ED NEWS Money in Politics (image by Economy...
read more[Translate] by The Dirt Contributor We work in a small, but timely profession. Our potential to impact the neighborhoods,...
read more[Translate] THE DIRT by Jared Green “We need solutions to the bee crisis,” said Laurie Davies Adams, head of the Pollinator...
read more[Translate] Kelly Rigg HUFFINGTON POST In April I wrote about a landmark Dutch lawsuit on climate action that, if successful, would...
read more[Translate] JARED GREEN – HUFFINGTON POST Central Park, New York City / Drive the District There has been a boom in studies...
read more[Translate] Bob Brecha HUFFINGTON POSTPhysicist with a deep interest in sustainability, energy and climate issues Protecting society...
read more[Translate] Emma Howard THE GUARDIAN Dutch ruling could trigger similar cases worldwide with citizens taking their governments to...
read more[Translate] Tunisian police officers are stationed in the lobby of a hotel where a terrorist attack took place in the...
read more[Translate] By Alex Kirby, Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG Solar panels on sale at a shop in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso....
read more[Translate] Climate by Ari Phillips CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: flickr/ Gordon Robertson New data from the Scottish government shows...
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