Democratic Donors Push Biden f...
Democratic Donors Push Biden for a Cabinet Free of Fossil Fuel Connections
read moreDemocratic Donors Push Biden for a Cabinet Free of Fossil Fuel Connections
read moreStates are confronting the future of gas in buildings — and facing a set of high-stakes questions.
read moreFracking Firms Fail, Rewarding Executives and Raising Climate Fears
read moreShell’s Falcon Pipeline Dogged by Issues with Drilling and Permit Uncertainty During Pandemic
read moreNational Grid says the project is needed to meet rising demand, but opponents see it as a means of connecting two interstate pipelines and boosting their capacities.
read moreOn Saturday, November 16, 29 people were arrested in a rally at a massive natural gas-fired power plant, the Cricket Valley Energy Center, that is being constructed in a picturesque rural valley of farms and forests near the New York-Connecticut border, about 80 miles north of New York City.
read moreFor several years a mysterious fleet of tractor trailers loaded with natural gas cylinders has been crisscrossing U.S. roads, and in the dark early morning hours on Sunday, March 3, one drove off a highway near Cobleskill, New York, careened down an embankment, and flipped over.
read moreA group of doctors and scientists have released a report highlighting that 84 percent of studies published from 2009-2015 on the health impacts of fracking conclude the industry causes harm to human health.
read moreEnvironmental groups are preparing for a fight against the proposal that would end a five-year fracking moratorium in central California
read more“Oil and gas has already devastated our state’s air quality, water quality and flow, and public health. It’s clear the Trump administration will stop at nothing to sacrifice public interest for private profits.”
read moreA federal court today ordered the Trump administration to stop issuing permits for offshore fracking in federal waters off the California coast.
read more[Translate] Toxic wastewater from fracking jumps 14-fold from 2011 to 2016 — and it may get 50 times bigger by 2030. Joe Romm think...
read more[Translate] Bill McKibben From Wall Street to the pope, many increasingly see fossil fuels as anything but a sure bet. That gives us...
read more[Translate] by Nancy LeTourneau WASHINGTONMONTHLY.COM Political Animal Gage Skidmore/Flickr Much has been made of Donald Trump’s...
read moreThe battle over fracking pits corporate power against communities whose very health is imperiled.
read more10 Claims that Help Us Understand Natural Gas Drilling Controversy
read more[Translate] The country’s push to find clean domestic energy has zeroed in on natural gas, but cases of water contamination have...
read more[Translate] Environment Lax federal and state regulations have led to the illegal dumping of dirty drilling fluids. By Lorraine Chow...
read more[Translate] Environment Peoples Climate March, New York City, September 21, 2014. Photo Credit: andyparker72/Shutterstock We...
read more[Translate] By Jessica Corbett / Common Dreams VIA TRUTHDIG Sen. Bernie Sanders speaking on Capitol Hill in June. (Edward Kimmel...
read more[Translate] Guests James Cromwell Oscar-nominated actor and an activist. He was sentenced to a in jail, scheduled to begin...
read more[Translate] A 5.8-magnitude earthquake that rattled Pawnee, Oklahoma in September 2016 was classified as largest in state history....
read more[Translate] Environment In a 2013 interview, Tillerson made the false claim that there had “never been a verifiable case of...
read more[Translate] Environment Trump disagrees with majority of Americans, who are opposed to fracking and drilling on public lands. By...
read more[Translate] Briefly Stuff that matters On the right side of the fracks Joe Andrucyk Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan shocked many on Friday...
read more[Translate] Samantha Page Climate Reporter at @ThinkProgress. People who want to ban hydraulic fracturing for natural gas in Maryland...
read more[Translate] Posted by Aaron Kesel WE ARE CHANGE.ORG It has taken years to finally admit it, but the U.S. Geological Survey has just...
read more[Translate] LORRAINE CHOW OF ECOWATCH ON BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT (Photo: Joshua Doubek)Article reprinted with permission from EcoWatch...
read more[Translate] By Sharon Kelly, DeSmogBlog | Report The prospect of fracking where water is so scarce raises questions about what...
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