[Translate] By: Jack Burns AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL REVIEW Scientist found a strong correlation between vaccines and developing...
read more[Translate] By: Jack Burns AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL REVIEW Scientist found a strong correlation between vaccines and developing...
read more[Translate] VACCINE IMPACT NEWS.ORG by Celeste McGovern Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute It’s never been done before. The...
read more[Translate] Personal Health It is so common for self-employed people to have ADHD, the disorder could be renamed “the...
read more[Translate] Posted by Celeste McGovern CMSRI.ORG It’s never been done before. The first-of-its-kind study of vaccinated vs....
read more[Translate] We have compiled a list of 30 scientific studies that show a link between vaccines and autism, disproving the myth that...
read more[Translate] SatyaRaj REVOLUTIONS2040.COM (Waking Scince) Fluoride Officially Classified as a Neurotoxin in World’s Most...
read more[Translate] by Marco Cáceres VACCINE IMPACT NEWS “Imagine, for the sake of argument, if it was discovered that vaccines were a...
read more[Translate] Drugs Some ADHD sufferers claim cannabis is a wonder drug for their condition. Now we need some science to back...
read more[Translate] September 9th, 2016 By Carolanne Wright WAKE-UP WORLD.COM Contributing writer for Wake Up World Viewed by academics as...
read more[Translate] By Kenneth J. Saltman, Routledge | Book Excerpt (Photo: Erich Ferdinand; Edited: LW / TO) This is an excerpt...
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