Alabama Newspaper Publisher Ca...
In what continues to be a truly wild February for the books, the publisher of a small-town Alabama paper published an op-ed calling for the Klu Klux Klan to clean out Washington, D.C.—nooses preferred.
read moreIn what continues to be a truly wild February for the books, the publisher of a small-town Alabama paper published an op-ed calling for the Klu Klux Klan to clean out Washington, D.C.—nooses preferred.
read moreAn old law gets another look after the “Sheriff Corndog” scandal.
read more[Translate] Democracy & Government We’re relieved to have been wrong in expecting Roy Moore to win. But there’s still...
read more[Translate] Environment Brave citizens are fighting hard to stop a number of big projects. By Alexandra Rosenmann / AlterNet Photo...
read more[Translate] A new report finds that safe water and sanitation are increasingly unaffordable for millions of Americans. By Zoë...
read more[Translate] Tea Party and the Right It can happen to your town too. By Alex Henderson / AlterNet Mary Fallin, Governor...
read more[Translate] Political MoJo —By Pema Levy MOTHER JONES Douglas Graham/CQ Roll Call via AP In Alabama, you need a driver’s...
read more[Translate] What does the record settlement really mean to one of the world’s wealthiest companies — and the Gulf Coast it is...
read more[Translate] by Ryan KoronowskiCLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: Shutterstock In simultaneous press conferences in Alabama, Louisiana,...
read more[Translate] More than a dozen weak earthquakes have hit since last November in area more prone to tornadoes, as researchers...
read more[Translate] News & Politics These are just the latest measures to bully women who are considering abortions. By Neeraja...
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