US Climate Action Movement Cou...
Remember back when the powerful American Legislative Exchange Council dominated the national discourse on climate change, and not in a good way
read moreRemember back when the powerful American Legislative Exchange Council dominated the national discourse on climate change, and not in a good way
read more[Translate] Visions The renowned linguist and cognitive scientist on where we stand as an economy, as a country, and as human beings....
read more[Translate] Politics A constitutional convention, something thought impossible not long ago, is looking increasingly likely. By Alex...
read more[Translate] A proposed resolution advocates for overturning the 17th Amendment so Republican-controlled state legislatures could pick...
read more[Translate] A decade ago, some barons of the media establishment designated themselves America’s official arbiters of political...
read more[Translate] By Matt Stannard, | Report Florida International University Solar House at Engineering Campus. Florida has...
read more[Translate] Richard Eskow AMERICANS FOR A SAFE FUTURE In the run-up to the first Republican presidential debate, a flurry of news...
read more[Translate] by Samantha Page CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: PRNewsFoto/Duke Energy Powerful interests are facing off on the future of...
read more[Translate] Democracy & Government by Theo Anderson IN THESE TIMES Few ideas are more powerful in US politics than...
read more[Translate] Education Their work behind the scenes is every bit as dangerous for the future of education as ALEC’s. By Sarah...
read more[Translate] The free-market lobbying group says it accepts the scientific consensus on global warming. It’s lying. Lindsay...
read more[Translate] Solar panels are popping up everywhere, and it’s upsetting to corporate power system. By Cliff Weathers / AlterNet...
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