[Translate] by Greg Beach INHABITAT.COM View Slideshow A new solar summer rises from the ashes of nuclear winter. Two Chinese energy...
read more[Translate] by Greg Beach INHABITAT.COM View Slideshow A new solar summer rises from the ashes of nuclear winter. Two Chinese energy...
read more[Translate] Norwegian company Statoil is building the world’s largest offshore floating wind farm near Scotland – and it’s set to...
read more[Translate] The ongoing quest for renewable energy takes a lot of cues from nature, and here’s one more. A team of scientists from...
read more[Translate] by Cat DiStasio INHABITAT Scientists have discovered a new, clean-burning fuel made from unlikely ingredients:...
read more[Translate] Environmental changes are splintering the power structure. By Tom Engelhardt / Tom Dispatch Photo Credit: Bruce...
read more[Translate] By Gabriella Mulligan, Ensia | Report Sanergy hosts a marketing event in a Kenyan community to generate demand for the...
read more[Translate] By Juan Cole TRUTHDIG President Obama waits to deliver a speech to the African Union on Tuesday in Addis...
read more[Translate] Dino Grandoni HUFFINGTON POST Why It’s Taking The U.S. So Long To Make Fusion Energy Work A researcher examines...
read more[Translate] By Bruce Melton, Truthout | News Analysis (Photo: Ben Grey) As we move into 2015, the latest climate science continues...
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