As Planet Edges Closer to Mult...
As Planet Edges Closer to Multiple Climate Tipping Points, Scientists Identify First Active Methane Gas Leak in Antarctica
read moreAs Planet Edges Closer to Multiple Climate Tipping Points, Scientists Identify First Active Methane Gas Leak in Antarctica
read moreThis Month in Climate Science: Carbon Sinks Shrink, Bumble Bees Decline, Nightingale Wings Shorten, and Ecosystems Could Collapse Faster
read moreThe Enormous but Hidden Consequences of Antarctica’s Record Heat
read moreAntarctica’s ice loss is on the rise. Along with warmer water eating away at ice shelves from below, atmospheric rivers are causing trouble from above.
read moreThe concept of a canary in a coal mine – a sensitive species that provides an alert to danger – originated with British miners, who carried actual canaries underground through the mid-1980s to detect the presence of deadly carbon monoxide gas. Today another bird, the Emperor Penguin, is providing a similar warning about the planetary effects of burning fossil fuels.
read moreAntarctic ice sheets have been melting rapidly for hundreds of years, much longer than scientists previously thought, according to a study out Thursday.
read moreA massive iceberg with the robotic sounding name D28 has separated in recent days from an ice sheet in Antarctica, prompting both awe and concern around the world.
read moreBlowing trillions of tonnes of snow on to ice sheet could halt its collapse, researchers say
read moreThe closer the prospect of disaster becomes, the less the government manages to do
read moreThwaites glacier in West Antarctica are enormous in size and often referred to as the most dangerous glacier on Earth.
read moreTwo new reports find that the North and South Poles face an “unprecedented” climate future.
read moreMuch of the frozen water portion of the Earth, otherwise known as the cryosphere, is melting.
read more[Translate] Food It’s a test run for growing plants in space—and combating vegetable shortages in harsh climates. By...
read more[Translate] Study bolsters theory of heat source under West Antarctica Date: November 7, 2017 Source: NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory...
read more[Translate] A study of the subglacial caves could reveal new undiscovered animal or plant species living comfortably due to the heat...
read more[Translate] THEDAILYSHEEPLE.COM In addition to the 47 volcanoes already known about currently “sleeping” under the Arctic ice,...
read more[Translate] This is in addition to 47 already known about and eruption would melt more ice in region affected by climate change...
read more[Translate] By JUGAL K. PATEL and JUSTIN GILLIS UPDATED July 12, 2017 A chunk of floating ice that weighs more than a trillion metric...
read moreFor decades, scientists have known that summertime brings liquid meltwater to Antarctica’s ice sheets.
read more[Translate] By Nika Knight / Common Dreams An iceberg the size of Delaware is poised to break away from Antarctica, potentially...
read more[Translate] by Joe Romm CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: South Florida and “Miami Island” in 2100 after 5 feet of sea level rise...
read more[Translate] New research suggests that the landmark Paris accord may be insufficient to prevent catastrophic sea level rise Michael...
read more[Translate] by Joe Romm CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: AP/DENNIS COOK James Hansen and 18 leading climate experts have published a...
read more[Translate] Sea levels (and temperatures) are also the highest they’ve been in years. By Dahr Jamail / Truthout Chemical...
read more[Translate] A colossal iceberg the size of Rome grounded near their colony, rendering them landlocked. The Guardian Photo Credit:...
read more[Translate] By Tim Radford, Climate News Network via TRUTHDIG The big picture of accelerating ice loss in Antarctica is becoming...
read more[Translate] by Pakalolo DAILY KOS ‘It’s catastrophic, really. They kill 99 per cent of things they come in contact...
read more[Translate] Ozone layer The Observer The lessons of a landmark moment in climate research have not been learned Two images that...
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