The post-antibiotic era is her...
In the US, one person dies every 15 minutes because of drug resistance.
read moreIn the US, one person dies every 15 minutes because of drug resistance.
read moreLargest global study finds the drugs in two-thirds of test sites in 72 countries
Natasha Gilbert
read moreIn its decision to approve two drugs for orange and grapefruit trees, the E.P.A. largely ignored objections from the C.D.C. and the F.D.A., which fear that expanding their use in cash crops could fuel antibiotic resistance in humans.
read moreA century ago, British scientists suggested a link between increased hygiene and allergic conditions — the first hint that our immune systems are becoming improperly “trained.”
read more[Translate] mountainsandmustardseeds Hi there, we need to talk. My name is Amy Moser. I have almost written this post at least 20...
read more[Translate] Environment Environmental standards do not feature in international regulations governing drug production. By Madlen...
read more[Translate] By Ryan Jaslow CBS News Health experts in the U.K. say painkillers could be the cause of your headache. They’ve...
read more[Translate] REUTERS/Crack worth a shot By Nathanael Johnson GRIST Instead of feeding antibiotics to farm animals, what if we kept...
read more[Translate] You could even be ingesting it without your knowledge. By Martha Rosenberg / AlterNet “I was given the antibiotic...
read more[Translate] A few inconvenient truths you might need to know before tucking into that next bite of shrimp, beef or bacon. By Martha...
read more[Translate] News & Politics Thousands of science stories have caught our attention in 2015, not all of them as groundbreaking (or...
read more[Translate] By Thom Hartmann, The Thom Hartmann Program | Video Report In today’s On the News segment: If we don’t...
read more[Translate] Shutterstock By Amelia Urry GRIST You know how sometimes humans freak out about genetic engineering? It’s time to freak...
read more[Translate] Amazon rainforest Andes to the Amazon NGOs allege illegal deforestation of primary rainforest to plant cacao and oil palm...
read more[Translate] Food The ‘Daily Show’ host takes on the food companies for their practices. By Stefanie Spear / EcoWatch VIA...
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