[Translate] by Lacy Cooke INHABITAT.COM View Slideshow 12,000 years ago the Barents Sea was covered with ice. Warming caused ice...
read more[Translate] by Lacy Cooke INHABITAT.COM View Slideshow 12,000 years ago the Barents Sea was covered with ice. Warming caused ice...
read more[Translate] THE GUARDIAN No seeds were lost but the ability of the rock vault to provide failsafe protection against all disasters is...
read more[Translate] New chair of Arctic council calls for Paris treaty on global warming to be respected amid fears of commitment downgrade...
read more[Translate] Chris McDermott NASA Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards declared a state of emergency Wednesday for coastal...
read more[Translate] garbage-patch/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Great Pacific Garbage Patch...
read more[Translate] By Sue Sturgis, Facing South | Report (Photo: Arbyreed; Edited: LW / TO) This month US Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke...
read more[Translate] Check out the world’s coldest garbage pile. John Metcalfe MOTHER JONES.COM Herianus/iStock This story was...
read more[Translate] Environment Western post-war scientific studies in the Arctic were primarily driven by military concerns about Soviet...
read more[Translate] Briefly Stuff that matters GRIST water wars REUTERS/Rebecca Cook That’s according to a Reuters investigation that...
read more[Translate] Pick of Exxon CEO for Secretary of State clarifies why Putin wanted Trump elected: a $500 billion oil deal killed by...
read more[Translate] Samantha Page Climate Reporter at @ThinkProgress. The new five-year plan protects parts of U.S. oceans until 2022. Rig...
read more[Translate] By Paul Street TRUTHDIG So far, 2016 is the hottest year on record. So was 2015. So was 2014. (John McColgan /...
read more[Translate] GREEN It’s caused by a red algae, and it’s bad news for the Arctic. Lydia O’Connor The Huffington Post...
read more[Translate] Ice ice baby grand By Kate Yoder GRIST The Arctic Ocean may not be a typical venue for a piano performance, but it’s a...
read more[Translate] by Ryan Koronowski CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: Shutterstock The Pacific Walrus calls the Chukchi and Bering Seas home. ...
read more[Translate] Shutterstock By Xian Chiang-Waren GRIST We’re surely not the first to remind you that it’s a hard-knock life for...
read more[Translate] Bill McKibben VIA TRUTHDIG Break free and join the biggest global action against fossil fuel companies the world has...
read more[Translate] By Valerie Brown / Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG The Trans-Alaska pipeline runs 800 miles from the Arctic...
read more[Translate] By Dahr Jamail, Truthout | Report A flooded street sits unused in Elmhurst, Illinois, on July 24, 2010. (Photo: Clark...
read more[Translate] HUFFINGTON POST Robin Bronen Executive Director of Alaska Institute for Justice; Senior Research scientist at the...
read more[Translate] Environment Climate scientists have begun to note early indicators of possible catastrophes. By Michael T. Klare /...
read more[Translate] By Tim Radford, Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG Endemic to Ecuador, nototriche plants are now growing at an...
read more[Translate] By Alex Kirby, Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG Harnessing the power of Muskrat Falls to produce...
read more[Translate] It’s part of a larger organized movement to sell off and limit access to America’s public lands. By...
read more[Translate] On the day the heat index in an Iranian city broke world records, Shell Oil moved forward with its plan to drill in the...
read more[Translate] With melting sea ice opening the Arctic Ocean to a potentially huge increase in commercial fishing, the five nations that...
read more[Translate] The Guardian Eight member states including US, Russia, Canada, Norway and Denmark sign accord to protect central Arctic...
read more[Translate] In the Race to Control the Arctic, the U.S. Lags Behind By Bob Reiss NEWSWEEK In offshore Alaska, Royal Dutch Shell is...
read more[Translate] By Tim Radford, Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG A thin layer of sea ice off Saunders Island in northwest...
read more[Translate] National Marine Fisheries Service say military exercise “may result in damage that could take years to decades from which...
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