We’re running out of time to f...
We’re running out of time to flatten the curve — for climate change
read moreWe’re running out of time to flatten the curve — for climate change
read more“Working Together Is What Humans Are Built To Do” — Bill McKibben On COVID-19 & The Climate Crisis
read moreWriting in the Los Angeles Times, two top university investment officials said it was the long-term risk posed by fossil fuel investments, rather than concerns over the environment, that led them to pull some $150 million in fossil fuel assets from the university endowment.
read moreWhat if the banking, asset-management, and insurance industries moved away from fossil fuels?
read moreOne year after Greta Thunberg began her protest in Sweden, millions of climate strikers will join her on Sept. 20
read more“Our climate crisis demands a new paradigm, requiring the phasing out of fossil fuel infrastructure, the phasing in of non-fossil energy sources, and large-scale removal of carbon from the atmosphere.”
read moreThe world has done little to tackle global warming since Bill McKibben’s landmark book on the subject was published in 1989.
read moreThe election produced some wins for the climate, but also underscored the power of the fossil fuel industry.
read moreGreenland poet Aka Niviana’s way of life is disappearing…
read more[Translate] Environment The World Meteorological Organization has reported that the five years from 2011 to 2015 were the hottest on...
read more[Translate] By Emily Fuller, YES! Magazine The Dakota Access pipeline is funded directly by 17 banks, many of which —...
read more[Translate] Bill McKibben VIA TRUTHDIG Break free and join the biggest global action against fossil fuel companies the world has...
read more[Translate] Environment Exxon’s never-ending big dig. By Bill McKibben / Tom Dispatch Photo Credit: Kamonrat/Shutterstock.com Here’s...
read more[Translate] On Global Divestment Day, search the movement can no longer be ignored VIDEO Lindsay Abrams SALON.COM The fossil...
read more[Translate] World Economic Forum By Bill McKibben The news from Davos last week — that Al Gore is reviving his Live Earth music...
read more[Translate] Environment by Karin Kamp Moyers & Company On Tuesday, the White House said President Obama would veto a bill...
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