A blueprint for business to tr...
A blueprint for business to transition to a nature-positive future
read moreFridays for Future Europe Call...
Fridays for Future Europe Calls for Transforming Agricultural Policy to Tackle the Climate Crisis
read moreHow Climate Change Is Contribu...
How Climate Change Is Contributing to Skyrocketing Rates of Infectious Disease
read moreUnchecked Global Warming Could...
Unchecked Global Warming Could Collapse Whole Ecosystems, Maybe Within 10 Years
read more‘A common germ pool’: The frig...
‘A common germ pool’: The frightening origins of the coronavirus
read moreA Call to Action as PlanetR...
Nearly 1,100 scientists, practitioners and experts in groundwater and related fields from 92 countries have called on the governments and non-governmental organizations to “act now” to ensure global groundwater sustainability.
read moreJapanese Fisheries Collapsed D...
Scientists announced today that pesticide use on rice fields led to the collapse of a nearby fishery in Lake Shinji, Japan, according to a new study published in the journal Science.
read more3 global conditions – and a ma...
Nature urgently needs our help. Wild creatures, from songbirds to butterflies and from primates to tortoises, are disappearing so rapidly that they could be lost forever together with the wild forests, grasslands and other habitats that long sustained them.
read moreThese Girl Scouts are saving w...
Last month, millions of youth activists around the world took to the streets to fight for their right to breathe clean air, drink clean water, and not have to suffer the wrath of the climate crisis.
read moreThe Thick Gray Line: Forest El...
If the species is wiped out by poachers, Africa’s vast rain forest will lose 7 percent of its carbon storage ability, scientists estimate.
read moreTrump Weakens Endangered Speci...
The changes also let the government consider economic interests and could open doors to oil and gas drilling and mining in sensitive areas, including the Arctic.
read moreDying Orchards, Missing Fish: ...
Earth’s hottest June on record was followed by a sizzling July that either tied or exceeded another global extreme. People, trees and fish are feeling the heat.
read moreCan Trees Save Us From Climate...
Swiss scientists have identified an area roughly the size of the United States that could be newly shaded by planting more trees.
read moreCustomers to demand Kroger sto...
For National Pollinator Week, shoppers will push grocery giant to help stop “bee apocalypse”
read moreClimate change spurs deadly vi...
As temperatures climb, ranaviruses cause more frog deaths over a longer part of the year, according to a new study.
read moreThe Simple, Yet Elusive, Key T...
Preserving and restoring forests is an effective step toward mitigating climate change, and comes with a host of other benefits.
read moreWhy we need to stop eating fis...
The recent UN biodiversity report states that overfishing is a bigger threat to the world’s ocean than plastic or acidification.
read moreStudio NAB proposes rebuilding...
After a devastating blaze consumed the Cathedral of Notre Dame’s wooden roof and iconic central spire, architects around the world have been putting forth their visionary ideas for rebuilding the Parisian landmark.
read moreHumans Are Speeding Extinction...
Humans are transforming Earth’s natural landscapes so dramatically that as many as one million plant and animal species are now at risk of extinction, posing a dire threat to ecosystems that people all over the world depend on for their survival, a sweeping new United Nations assessment has concluded.
read moreIndigenous peoples go to court...
Historic lawsuit launched by the Waorani people of Ecuador to save their homes—and our planet – from destruction.
read moreHumanity is ‘cutting down the ...
Humanity’s ongoing annihilation of wildlife is cutting down the tree of life, including the branch we are sitting on…
read moreIn Defense of Biodiversity: Wh...
[Translate] Conservation By Carl Safina • e360yale.edu A number of biologists have recently made the argument that extinction is part...
read moreWhat, Me Worry? Humans Are Bli...
[Translate] Accelerating biodiversity loss may turn out to be the sleeper issue of the century. By William E. Rees | TheTyee.ca...
read moreEarth’s Sixth Mass Extin...
[Translate] Lorraine Chow ECOWATCH.COM Africa’s giraffe population has plunged almost 40 percent in the past 30 years. Photo...
read moreA decade of monitoring shows t...
[Translate] Pensoft Publishers Summary: Characterized with high levels of biodiversity and endemism, the Atlantic Tropical...
[Translate] John C. Cannon, NEWS.MONGABAY.COM | Report An African elephant in Tanzania. (Photo: John C. Cannon) Unless we sort...
read moreEarth’s Oceans Face Many...
[Translate] Environment Twenty countries have committed to increasing the protection of marine biodiversity. By Dr. David...
[Translate] Johannesburg, South Africa The Constitutional Court in South Africa has reportedly dismissed an appeal by South Africa’s...
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