Honorable Mention: Hydroformed...
[Translate] 2018 R+D AWARDS Honorable Mention: Hydroformed Shading, a Metal Feature Shaped by Water For Harvard University’s...
read more[Translate] 2018 R+D AWARDS Honorable Mention: Hydroformed Shading, a Metal Feature Shaped by Water For Harvard University’s...
read more[Translate] Mind & Matter Blaine Brownell explores uses of the plant-based alternative in concrete, textiles, varnish, and other...
read more[Translate] Technology Plus, a national BIM guide compiled for building owners, 3D graphene for space architecture, and more...
read more[Translate] These products and technologies draw inspiration from the natural world. By Blaine Brownell IAI The beginning of a new...
read more[Translate] Business Wire In Brief SolarWindow has announced that they are working on transparent veneers that can be places on...
read more[Translate] Industrial Rev 2.0 Cockrell School of Engineering A team of engineers found a way to operate smart windows in a low temp,...
read more[Translate] Photo via mnmMOD by Charlie Radka INHABITAT Imagine a building material that...
read more[Translate] David Friedlander LIFE EDITED Architecture In a resounding sign that tiny living has hit the mainstream, 84 Lumber, one...
read more[Translate] CoeLux VIA FUTURISM In Brief Using nanoparticles, CoeLux accurately simulates sunlight anytime and anywhere, creating an...
read more[Translate] This beautiful eco-friendly home only costs $133 per square foot to build. By Amanda Froelich / True Activist VIA...
read more[Translate] THE GUARDIAN As the global population grows, it is also becoming more city-based with 70% expected to live in urban areas...
read more[Translate] Delft University of Technology CRACKS OUT By Ana Sofia Knauf GRIST Some potentially good news for green architecture:...
read more[Translate] ccontill By Ask Umbra GRIST Q. I live in an affluent subdivision of 1980s executive-style homes. Over the past few...
read more[Translate] Kimberley Mok (@kimberleymok) TREEHUGGER Design / Sustainable Product Design © Emerging Objects Though it promises to...
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