Why Do Oil Companies Care So M...
Why Do Oil Companies Care So Much About Your Carbon Footprint
read moreThe Natural Gas Divide
States are confronting the future of gas in buildings — and facing a set of high-stakes questions.
read moreCutting U.S. meat consumption ...
Cutting U.S. meat consumption by half would reduce dietary emissions by 35% within decade
read moreWhy Your Carbon Footprint Is M...
Liberals who call for personal sacrifice to combat climate change aren’t helping. In fact, they’re hurting.
read moreTop Things Individuals can do ...
The topic of climate change is extremely controversial in today’s world as the impacts of this are being seen at all different corners of the globe.
read moreHundreds of Amazon employees p...
Organizers want to see the company reduce its carbon footprint, cancel contracts with fossil fuel companies, and stop lobbying for politicians who deny climate change.
read moreThe Latest Signs We Are Cookin...
A European Union satellite has confirmed that June was the hottest month on earth since scientific record-keeping began around 1850.
read moreBuilding awareness of architec...
A new understanding and greater awareness of our interaction with the natural environment—and just how significant it is—is helping to open people’s eyes to what it means to build responsibly and sustainably.
read moreAIA Issues Climate Change Call...
AIA President Carl Elefante issued a letter today stating, “As architects, we have unique skills to explain the challenge to a wide audience, and the design knowledge to find more ways to reduce building emissions … But we must not wait.”
read moreVideo Games Consume More Elect...
Researchers set up a special lab to measure gaming’s massive carbon footprint.
read moreSouth Miami just made a huge r...
[Translate] Miami is doing what it can to reduce its carbon footprint Bobby Magill, Climate Central SALON.COM In this Feb. 26, 2015...
read moreAre Emails Really Damaging the...
[Translate] Environment A single email has a tiny carbon footprint. But we send over 200 billion of them every single day. By Robin...
[Translate] by Joe Romm THINK PROGRESS CREDIT: AP Black Friday has become an orgiastic celebration of unbridled consumerism. Last...
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