Noam Chomsky: America Has Buil...
It is nearly impossible to live in today’s world without having come across mention of the legendary Noam Chomsky.
read moreIt is nearly impossible to live in today’s world without having come across mention of the legendary Noam Chomsky.
read moreThe identity of the intelligence community whistleblower who made a formal complaint about President Donald Trump’s July 25 phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky remains unknown.
read more[Translate] By Jay Dyer Guest writer for Wake Up World One of the more fanciful, or thought to be fanciful, topics I’ve been covering...
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read more[Translate] New documents reveal how the CIA attempted to call off the failing coup — only to be salvaged at the last minute by an...
read more[Translate] by Jon Rappoport When Amazon boss and billionaire Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post in 2013, he also...
read more[Translate] By Dr. Paul Craig RobertsGlobal Research, June 13, 2017 Url of this...
read morePresident Frankenstein, Donald Trump, has been pretty much the bizarre “insane clown president” (Matt Taibbi’s phrase) that I and many others expected. He’s only shocked me twice….
read moreThe Trump administration wants to arrest Julian Assange…..
read more[Translate] by Tyler Durden ZEROHEDGE.COM Unable to provide an ounce of evidence that a Trump/Putin conspiracy stole the...
read more[Translate] The president’s secret request for intelligence spending will signal his intentions toward the CIA and the “deep...
read more[Translate] Releases Documents Contents • Press Release • Analysis • Examples • Frequently Asked Questions Press...
read more[Translate] Direct From Chuck at CaliforniaSpy As Always Unedited February 22, 2017 …. America is built on quicksand, on a...
read more[Translate] Pamela Engel BUSINESSINSIDER.COM Gen. David Petraeus in 2011 during the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on his...
read more[Translate] Politics By CHARLIE SAVAGE NYTIMES Photo A draft order from President Trump would direct the Pentagon to...
read more[Translate] by Mike Lofgren MOYERS & CO. Rome lived upon its principal till ruin stared it in the face. Industry is the only...
read more[Translate] By Frank Vyan Walton DAILY KOS Miss Universe in Moscow and also Kompromat-Elect Trump As I had diaried last week based...
read more[Translate] Trump wants to ‘move on’ but says he will meet intelligence officials FBI and Homeland Security detail Russian hacking in...
read more[Translate] Trump’s similarities to Putin are evident, but will we call him out for what he really is? By Marty Kaplan | BILL...
read more[Translate] Glenn Greenwald THE INTERCEPT The Washington Post late Friday night published an explosive story that, in many ways, is...
read more[Translate] Charles M. Blow NYTIMES Photo People voicing their opinion in an anti-Donald J. Trump rally in New York in November....
read more[Translate] By Tom Engelhardt / TomDispatch VIA TRUTHDIG Bob Bob / CC-BY-2.0 For decades, Washington had a habit of using the...
read more[Translate] Posted on August 7, 2016 Dane Wigington Last month, CIA Director John Brennan admitted Chemtrails, or as he put it,...
read more[Translate] WSJ: FBI is investigating Hillary’s classified emails on State Dept. approval of CIA drone killings in Pakistan Ben...
read more[Translate] By John Kiriakou TRUTHDIG Hillary Clinton had a private email server at her home that she used for government...
read more[Translate] Grayzone Project The problem with “Argo”: Real CIA agents using film as a cover make it dangerous to work on...
read more[Translate] NYTDOT Nabih Bulos , W.J. Hennigan and Brian Bennett Contact Reporters Syrian militias armed by different parts of the...
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