Climate Justice and the Debate...

Oct 9, 2020 by

Climate Justice and the Debate about Community Solar on Farmland

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What is ‘climate justice...

Jul 29, 2020 by

It begins with the idea that the adverse impacts of a warming climate are not felt equitably among people.

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‘Racism dictates who gets dump...

Nov 14, 2019 by

Five luminaries explain the concept of ‘environmental justice’ and reveal why, alongside the climate crisis, it is one of the most pressing issues of our time   

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What the ‘Fossil Fuel Ec...

Jun 21, 2019 by

“Unless we change course now and treat the crisis for what it is, we will continue to see more disasters like today.”

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Why should I sacrifice when bi...

Jan 3, 2019 by

Have you ever heard the credo “every day, once a day, give yourself a present?” It comes from Agent Dale Cooper in Twin Peaks, and personally, I live by it.I propose a slight modification: Every day, once a day, give your future self a present … by doing something to counteract climate change. Certainly less catchy, but a more noble motto nonetheless.

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Apr 13, 2016 by

[Translate]   Global emissions may have peaked—but temperatures are rising at record speed, threatening a massive sea-level rise...

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Radical Histories: The Fight f...

Apr 30, 2015 by

[Translate] From the campaign to conserve hunting lands in the 19th century to the movement for climate justice in the 21st, The...

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