Minority Rule Does Not Have to...
Arguing that the Framers intended it is specious and ignorant of history.
read moreArguing that the Framers intended it is specious and ignorant of history.
read more[Translate] Wayne MAsER | Strategicculture.com Fascists love strong central government control. On the other hand, local autonomy...
read more[Translate] Politics A constitutional convention, something thought impossible not long ago, is looking increasingly likely. By Alex...
read more[Translate] The Right Wing Is it time to bring a monarchy to the United States, or time to end one? By Thom Hartmann / AlterNet Photo...
read more[Translate] A proposed resolution advocates for overturning the 17th Amendment so Republican-controlled state legislatures could pick...
read more[Translate] by WashingtonsBlog The Constitution, Magna Carta and Democracy Itself Are Based on the Idea that – Without Checks and...
read more[Translate] World The U.S. has military bases in at least 45 less-than-democratic countries. By David Vine / TomDispatch VIA...
read moreMedical Freedom is at risk in every state of the nation under vaccine mandates.
read more[Translate] Charles M. Blow NYTIMES A few things are clear after the congressional testimony of James Comey, the F.B.I. director,...
read more[Translate] News & Politics A few years ago, it would have been a thought experiment; now it’s nearly reality. By Thom...
read more[Translate] Activism If Republicans get full control of a few more State Houses, they will have the frightening power to amend the...
read more[Translate] By Harold Pease, Ph. D Many still do not understand the significance of Trump’s Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) pullout....
read more[Translate] CLIMATE PROGRESS Power has shifted. This guy doesn’t have the votes to take away your voting rights anymore. (AP...
read more[Translate] By Leslie Salzillo DAILY KOS RSS REBLOGGED BY Daily Kos Social In one of her most incredible speeches ever,...
read more[Translate] by Ian MillhiserTHINK PROGRESS CREDIT: AP Photo/Richmond Times-Dispatch, Bob Brown Virginia is one of the most...
read more[Translate] by Ian Millhiser THINK PROGRESS CREDIT: AP Photo/Matt Slocum Something very unusual happened at the nation’s highest...
read more[Translate] by Natasha Geiling CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: CLIMATE PROGRESS Sixteen states filed lawsuits Monday aimed at blocking the...
read more[Translate] by Ian MillhiserPLANET FORWARD Today is the official release date for my book, Injustices: The Supreme Court’s History of...
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