Australia’s Iconic Platy...
A new study raises concerns about the decline of platypus populations. UNSW Science
read moreA new study raises concerns about the decline of platypus populations. UNSW Science
read more[Translate] Monica Heger, YES! Magazine Wander out the back door of the tasting room at Truett Hurst Winery in Sonoma County,...
read more[Translate] Scientists predicted decades ago that climate change would add stress to water management systems like Oroville Dam A...
read more[Translate] By ADAM NAGOURNEY and HENRY FOUNTAIN NYTIMES Photo The remains of the St. Francis Dam in California, which burst just...
read more[Translate] By IAN AUSTEN NYTIMES The construction site of the hydroelectric facility at Muskrat Falls in Labrador in July. Muskrat...
read more[Translate] By NICHOLAS ST. FLEUR NYTDOT Welcome to the “Anthropocene” — a new epoch in our planet’s 4.5 billion year...
read more[Translate] By Alex Kirby, Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG Solar panels on sale at a shop in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso....
read more[Translate] Black.Dots. By Nathanael Johnson GRIST Like lots of people in drought-desiccated California, I have been hustling to...
read more[Translate] By Paul Brown, capsule Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG DonkeyHotey / (CC BY-SA 2.0) This piece first appeared at...
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