[Translate] By ursulafaw DAILY KOS Trump is considerably less prepared for what’s happening than Nixon was when he imploded....
read more[Translate] By ursulafaw DAILY KOS Trump is considerably less prepared for what’s happening than Nixon was when he imploded....
read more[Translate] By Sidof79 DAILYKOS Dan Rather has logged another entry into his brilliant and composed, yet scathing criticism...
read more[Translate] PST by Leslie Salzillo DAILY KOS Facts and the truth are not partisan. They are the bedrock of our democracy. And you...
read more[Translate] ‘ By Jen Hayden DAILY KOS Dan Rather tells it like it is Wall Street Journal editor Gerard Baker was a guest on...
read more[Translate] By Leslie Salzillo DAILY KOS Share this article Legendary American journalist Dan Rather posted a powerful opinion on...
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