The Normalization of Corruptio...
The 21st century organized crime lords—the pharmaceutical industry—archetypal la cosa nostra mafia-like cartels, have risen to unprecedented dominion over humanity.
read moreThe 21st century organized crime lords—the pharmaceutical industry—archetypal la cosa nostra mafia-like cartels, have risen to unprecedented dominion over humanity.
read more[Translate] DOCTORS WITHOUT ORDERS By Daniel Oberhaus The Four Thieves Vinegar Collective is a network of tech-fueled anarchists...
read more[Translate] Monday, July 10, 2017 by: Isabelle Z. NATURAL NEWS.COM Tags: Big Pharma, Collusion, Dangerous Medicine,...
read more[Translate] Drugs Where’s the government oversight we need to stop this? By Kate Harveston / AlterNet Photo Credit: ASDF Media...
read more[Translate] The last thing the elite wants is an informed, empowered public mobilizing any grassroots movement to oppose government...
read more[Translate] ) by Jon Rappoport The medical holocaust no one wants to expose The Starfield revelation: medically caused death in...
read more[Translate] By JOSH KATZ NYTIMES New data compiled from hundreds of health agencies reveals the extent of the drug overdose...
read more[Translate] Drugs The potential for psychedelics to aid humanity’s future was a major theme at Psychedelic Science 2017. By...
read more[Translate] Drugs If we can overcome myths about addiction and “recreational” drugs, we can address root causes of drug...
read morePeople dependent on cocaine, opioids and other prescription drugs could ease out of their addictions with cannabis.
read more[Translate] By Jim Edwards MoneyWatch CBS NEWS Merck made a “hit list” of doctors who criticized Vioxx, according to...
read more[Translate] Environment Environmental standards do not feature in international regulations governing drug production. By Madlen...
read more[Translate] Cutting edge researchers are leading the way toward acceptance of the healing properties of psychedelics. By Valerie...
read more[Translate] Drugs The United States consumes 80 percent of opioids used worldwide. By Chris Hedges / Truthdig Photo Credit: Jeff...
read more[Translate] COUNTERCURRENTNEWS.COM There are no prizes for guessing why the United States’ health care spending increased 5.8% to...
read more[Translate] By SAM QUINONES NYTIMES Photo Less than 40 grams of black-tar heroin in the evidence room of Post Falls Police...
read more[Translate] Drugs In 2014, law enforcement officers took more property from Americans—$4.5 billion—than burglars did By Theshia...
read more[Translate] HEALTHLAND.COM Multibillion-dollar settlements against big drug companies have become all too common in recent years....
read more[Translate] January 17, 2017 Richard Eskow AMERICANS FOR A SAFE FUTURE It’s devastating, and potentially lethal, when Americans...
read more[Translate] Drugs Much has been made of the racist and classist nature of the drug war, but the DEA’s latest action has ageist...
read more[Translate] Column Rep. Tim Murphy (R-Pa.), left, embraces Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), the sponsor of the 21st Century Cures Act....
read more[Translate] How Industry Money Reaches Physicians by Charles Ornstein, Tracy Weber and Dan Nguyen ProPublica, ProPublica’s...
read more[Translate] By Martha Rosenberg / AlterNet Shutterstock Are you depressed? It may have less to do with your mood than your...
read more[Translate] Jeff Cullen was a handsome, athletic young man. A great surfer, who loved goofy comedies like Dumb & Dumber and had...
read more[Translate] Robert Califf’s ties to the industry run deep, and the Obama nominee just sailed through the U.S. Senate Martha...
read more[Translate] News & Politics A strategy that failed utterly back then would later be applied full scale to the war on terror with...
read more[Translate] (Credit: oknoart via Shutterstock) Only some of drug studies—the positive ones—ever have a good chance of being...
read more[Translate] Drugs In a new book, Dr. Julie Holland argues that pharmaceutical companies target women and medicate their emotions. By...
read more[Translate] Drugs The new evidence will force us to change ourselves. By Johann Hari / The Huffington Post It is now one...
read more[Translate] Perspectives January 1, 2015 by Dean Baker MOYERS & CO. This post first appeared at The Huffington Post. The big...
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