[Translate] AMERICANS FOR A SAFE FUTURE Burning Issues Video Hydraulic fracturing – “fracking” – to extract oil and gas deposits deep...
read more[Translate] AMERICANS FOR A SAFE FUTURE Burning Issues Video Hydraulic fracturing – “fracking” – to extract oil and gas deposits deep...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 What a surprise to hear a Jewish candidate for president speak so courageously about the country where he...
read more[Translate] Dems have been up in arms at her refusal to support Clinton. But the establishment isn’t entitled to...
read more[Translate] Truthfulness isn’t ever their goal; winning and keeping power is. By Eric Zuesse / AlterNet Photo Credit:...
read more[Translate] They wanted to declare it over before actual voters could vote. By RoseAnn DeMoro / AlterNet Photo Credit: Wikipedia It’s...
read more[Translate] AMERICANS FOR A SAFE FUTURE Robert Borosage Bernie Sanders routed Hillary Clinton in three Western states on...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 Runaway inequality is the key issue that connects so many of our problems. By Les Leopold / AlterNet Former...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 Hawaii Democrats are still at the polls. AlterNet Bernie Sanders has won decisive victories in Washington...
read more[Translate] Media saturation helped propel the two candidates into the frontrunner status from which they have never looked back. By...
read more[Translate] Burning Issues Video CAMPAIGN FOR AMERICA’S FUTURE Berta Cáceres was an indigenous and environmental...
read more[Translate] NYTIMES– By ALEXANDER BURNS and JONATHAN MARTIN Donald J. Trump speaking at an election night news conference at...
read more[Translate] Jill Stein By Katie Herzog Jill Stein has a plan to win the presidency. Her idea is almost genius in its simplicity....
read more[Translate] Election 2016 This is what you might have seen if all the networks weren’t carrying Trump. By Arturo Garcia / Raw...
read more[Translate] Why there’s no chance in hell I’m voting for Hillary — and you shouldn’t either H. A. Goodman ...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG By Marjorie Cohn Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a campaign event at Hillside...
read more[Translate] Take a look at how much dough they’ve raked in — tough to believe they’re going to hold the banks...
read more[Translate] The news about our climate continues to get more and more dire. But you wouldn’t know it from watching the news Tim...
read more[Translate] SALON.COM Last night, Trump gave perhaps the most absurd, incoherent speech of 2016 — and the networks refused to turn...
read more[Translate] Economy & Work Economist Gerald Friedman did an analysis of Senator Bernie Sanders’s plan suggesting it would...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG In this video, “Democracy Now!” host Amy Goodman discusses the U.S. media obsession with polls and why we should...
read more[Translate] Donald Trump, Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz (Credit: AP/Reuters/Richard Drew/Haraz N. Ghanbari/Chris Keane) Republicans want...
read more[Translate] by Emily Atkin CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall/DENNIS VAN TIN From left to right: Former Maryland...
read more[Translate] by Ari Phillips CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: shutterstock On Tuesday, Vermont Senator and 2016 Democratic presidential...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 The rich paid a lot more money under the Republican president. By Michael Arria / AlterNet WASHINGTON, DC...
read more[Translate] Take a look at how the liberal superstar is changing the debate on trade if you want to see the party’s future...
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