Is This Genocide?
[Translate] Dilbar Begum and her daughter Noor Kalima, 10, are the only survivors of a family of six. Noor’s scars were left by the...
read more[Translate] Dilbar Begum and her daughter Noor Kalima, 10, are the only survivors of a family of six. Noor’s scars were left by the...
read more[Translate] By Ashraful Azad, openDemocracy | Op-Ed At this moment, a genocide is happening in Myanmar of which most of the world...
read more[Translate] By JOHN F. BURNS NYTIMES Photo A Bosnian Muslim woman as she searched coffins at the Potocari Memorial Center, near...
read more[Translate] The Opinion Pages | Op-Ed Columnist Nicholas Kristof NY TIMES Photo Jano Begum Credit Nicholas Kristof/The New York...
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