Extinction Rebellion, Greenpea...
Extinction Rebellion, Greenpeace Campaign for a Breakup Between Big Tech and Big Oil
read moreExtinction Rebellion, Greenpeace Campaign for a Breakup Between Big Tech and Big Oil
read moreIf you read only one book this year, it should be Roger Hallam’s “Common Sense for the 21st Century: Only Nonviolent Rebellion Can Now Stop Climate Breakdown and Social Collapse.”
read moreHundreds of climate protesters around the world were arrested Monday, kicking off Extinction Rebellion’s “International Rebellion,” two weeks of direct action and civil disobedience protests in 60 countries.
read moreClimate change protesters from Extinction Rebellion snarled traffic in Washington on Monday and again on Friday. You might find yourself asking, “Who helps pays for this activism?”
read more“Our climate crisis demands a new paradigm, requiring the phasing out of fossil fuel infrastructure, the phasing in of non-fossil energy sources, and large-scale removal of carbon from the atmosphere.”
read moreIn other words, it’s a socialist movement designed to impose the will of the people on the governments of the world. Oh, dear. Lots of people won’t like that! Is it having any effect?
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