Stripping Away Local Governmen...
[Translate] Wayne MAsER | Fascists love strong central government control. On the other hand, local autonomy...
read more[Translate] Wayne MAsER | Fascists love strong central government control. On the other hand, local autonomy...
read more[Translate] SundayReview | Opinion Fascism poses a more serious threat now thanat any time since the end of World War II. By...
read more[Translate] Public intellectual and foundation executive Colin Greer reminds us that George W. Bush created intense trauma for...
read more[Translate] The Right Wing Fascism requires a program and unity of purpose. By Neal Gabler / VIA ALTERNET Photo...
read more[Translate] The renowned political scientist on Republican radicalism, nuclear brinkmanship, American decline and more. By Jacob...
read more[Translate] Activism Timothy Snyder warns: History gives us a bunch of cases where democratic republics became authoritarian regimes....
read more[Translate] Roger Cohen NYTIMES Photo Donald J. Trump at his swearing-in ceremony at the United States Capitol on Friday. Credit...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 “In 1937, the State Department described Hitler as a kind of a moderate.” By Alexandra...
read more[Translate] Friends We have a serious crisis in our midst. It is disguised under the auspices of free trade. This new virus...
read more[Translate] Democracies end when they are too democratic. And right now, America is a breeding ground for tyranny....
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