In Food Safety Regulations, a ...
While health and safety regulations in the United States are well-funded, studies that assess their efficacy aren’t.
read moreWhile health and safety regulations in the United States are well-funded, studies that assess their efficacy aren’t.
read moreDrug-resistant infections from food are growing. But powerful industry interests are blocking scientists and investigators from getting information they need to combat the problem.
read moreThe FDA found that chocolate cake had levels over 250 times that of federal guidelines.
read moreIn its decision to approve two drugs for orange and grapefruit trees, the E.P.A. largely ignored objections from the C.D.C. and the F.D.A., which fear that expanding their use in cash crops could fuel antibiotic resistance in humans.
read moreThe fake quality-control data, bird infestations and toxic impurities at the overseas plants that could be making your medication.
read moreWASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders sent a letter to Catalyst Pharmaceuticals on Monday asking it to justify its decision to charge $375,000 annually for a medication that for years has been available to patients for free.
read moreA Harvard addiction medicine specialist is getting calls from distraught parents around the country. A Stanford psychologist is getting calls from rattled school officials around the world. A federal agency has ordered a public hearing on the issue.
read more[Translate] by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News Gardasil vaccine manufacturer, Merck, announced earlier this month (June,...
read more[Translate] Parents For Safe Technology Act Now To Stop This Crazy Plan Take Action Now!!! The 5G Spectrum Frontiers is a Boon...
read more[Translate] by Christina England A recently published study in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity titled Low-Grade...
read more[Translate] Activism Conspiracy Archive May 5, 2017 manurishi 0 Comments Post Views: 161,572 (NATURAL NEWS) EVERYTHING IS RIGGED :...
read more[Translate] So I need to address the toxic issue right away. The natural source of laetrile or B17 found most substantially in...
read more[Translate] Monday, July 10, 2017 by: Isabelle Z. NATURAL NEWS.COM Tags: Big Pharma, Collusion, Dangerous Medicine,...
read more[Translate] The public turned out in mass in California in 2015 to oppose SB277 which removed parental rights to refuse vaccines...
read more[Translate] by Barbara Loe Fisher Vaccination, History “When a mother takes her child into a doctor’s office to be vaccinated,...
read more[Translate] By Makia Freeman Contributing writer for Wake Up World Health propaganda is pervasive. There are many misconceptions,...
read more[Translate] And Why Both Vaccine-Induced Alzheimer’s Disease AND Vaccine-Induced Autism May Have Common Root...
read more[Translate] mountainsandmustardseeds Hi there, we need to talk. My name is Amy Moser. I have almost written this post at least 20...
read more[Translate] Bob Livingston EASYHEALTHOPTIONS.COM Print There are a host of reasons to avoid vaccines, and I have written about them...
read more[Translate] Parent Society Lauren DeCuir 10 foods that never (or almost never) expire © Provided by NewsCredI don’t know about the...
read more[Translate] “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment...
read more[Translate] By SARAH VARNEY kaiser health news Photo Workers at a Greatbatch Medical plant in Tijuana, Mexico. It is one of a...
read more[Translate] Personal Health Pharma-funded “patient” groups keep drug prices astronomical. By Martha Rosenberg / AlterNet...
read more[Translate] Long after research contradicts common medical practices, patients continue to demand them and physicians continue to...
read more[Translate] Amish farmer facing 68 years in federal prison for making homemade products Vicki Batts NATURALNEWS.COM (Natural News)...
read more[Translate] Matt Agorist THE FREE THOUGHT PROJECT.COM To date there have been an astounding 31,741 adverse events, 10,849...
read more[Translate] New Vaccines Still Cause Autism and Our Government Knows by Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null Special to Health...
read more[Translate] Drugs Much has been made of the racist and classist nature of the drug war, but the DEA’s latest action has ageist...
read more[Translate] Congress Text size: nvic| Law, Congress “Congress has handed the liability-free vaccine industry another free...
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