Memo to White Feminists: It’s ...
[Translate] Culture We say we are horrified by racism, but we aren’t doing nearly enough to end it. Often, we even contribute to it....
read more[Translate] Culture We say we are horrified by racism, but we aren’t doing nearly enough to end it. Often, we even contribute to it....
read more[Translate] By wagatwe DAILY KOS Signs like these are not funny. I hate that I have to say this in 2017, but *deep breath*...
read more[Translate] Salon talks to the feminist pioneer about her all-female journalist team telling stories of women around the world Amanda...
read more[Translate] Apparently for some, American exceptionalism means exceptional stupidity. By Larry Schwartz / AlterNet Solar power in...
read more[Translate] Janet Yellen, Christine Lagarde, and Brooksley Born (AP/Charles Dharapak, Reuters/Mike Theiler, AP/Jacquelyn Martin) If...
read more[Translate] From the campaign to conserve hunting lands in the 19th century to the movement for climate justice in the 21st, The...
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