America is in the midst of a l...
Since the Flint drinking water crisis erupted five years ago, Americans have realized that many cities and towns struggle to ensure safe water.
read moreSince the Flint drinking water crisis erupted five years ago, Americans have realized that many cities and towns struggle to ensure safe water.
read moreTell me if you’ve heard this one before: A U.S. city is facing a public health crisis, after years of denying that it had a problem with lead in its drinking water supply.
read moreWater issues are becoming more prevalent around the country even as the EPA says it is prioritizing the issue.
read moreWater issues are becoming more prevalent around the country even as the EPA says it is prioritizing the issue.
read moreFive years after the beginning of the Flint, Michigan, water crisis, residents are still feeling the impact of being poisoned by their state government.
read moreWhile Flint battles a water crisis, just two hours away the beverage giant pumps almost 100,000 times what an average Michigan resident uses into plastic bottles.
read more[Translate] Flint is not alone. Nathalie Baptiste MOTHER JONES.COM Lukas Schulze/DPA/ZUMA America’s crumbling water...
read more[Translate] Environment “I don’t want to pay for this poison… It’s made us sick.” By...
read more[Translate] The Leaden State Shutterstock In one Fresno zip code, 13.6 percent of children under the age of 6 have...
read more[Translate] By Joshua Frank / CounterPunch The water treatment plant in Flint, Mich. (George Thomas / CC 2.0) Last year the...
read more[Translate] Morning Mix By Yanan Wang WASHINGTON POST This post has been updated.* Water problems hit emergency level in Flint, Mich....
read more[Translate] Environment The agency Trump plans to eviscerate does much more than fight climate change. By John Light The...
read more[Translate] A new report finds that safe water and sanitation are increasingly unaffordable for millions of Americans. By Zoë...
read more[Translate] The Guardian tried to obtain “water testing documents” from 81 cities and 43 offered information. The tricks used by...
read more[Translate] Devil’s Tower By Mark Sumner VIA DAILY KOS Darnell Earley was appointed as emergency manager of Flint,...
read more[Translate] CREDIT: Bill Dickinson/Flickr View of the New River bridge in Fayette County, West Virginia. A tributary of the New River...
read more[Translate] By RYAN J. FOLEY and MEGHAN HOYER A.P. In this Wednesday, March 9, 2016 photo, city officials display an example...
read more[Translate] By MONA HANNA-ATTISHA NYTIMES Credit Arianna Vairo Flint, Mich. — THE World Health Organization’s “action level” for...
read more[Translate] By Martha Rosenberg, Organic Consumers Association (Photo: Water Testing via Shutterstock) The lead crisis in Flint,...
read more[Translate] 6 By Deirdre Fulton / Common Dreams VIA TRUTHDIG The Flint Water Plant tower in Michigan. (ehrlif /...
read more[Translate] iStockphoto By Aura Bogado THINK PROGRESS Flint is Michigan’s poster child for environmental disaster — a crisis that...
read more[Translate] by Alejandro Davila Fragoso CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson) The latest attempt to do away with a...
read more[Translate] by Adrienne VarkianiCLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: AP Photo/Paul Sancya Genetha Campbell carries free water being distributed...
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