Study: Flu Shot Associated wit...
[Translate] Comments by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News The annual flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in the market...
read more[Translate] Comments by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News The annual flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in the market...
read more[Translate] By Editor THE MOM STREET JOURNAL Vaccine injury cases are on the rise people, so if you’ve got your head in the sand and...
read more[Translate] Author exposes “Vaccine Deep State” criminal ring inside the CDC Wednesday, December 14, 2016 by: S.D. Wells...
read more[Translate] by: S.D. Wells NATURAL NEWS (Natural News) You may not want to hear it put this plainly, but vaccines, as administered...
read more[Translate] Health Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Lyn Redwood, RN, MSN ECOWATCH Subscribe to EcoWatch Newsletter The U.S....
read more[Translate] VACCINE IMPACT Many hospitals allow nurses to stay employed while choosing to refuse the mandatory flu vaccine if they...
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