Executive Order Creates Influe...
On Sept. 19, 2019, President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order, “Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United State to Promote National Security and Public Health.
read moreOn Sept. 19, 2019, President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order, “Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United State to Promote National Security and Public Health.
read more[Translate] Cammy Benton, MD. Health Impact News The VAXXED team recently interviewed Dr. Cammy Benton from North Carolina who is...
read more[Translate] This is the season that many Americans are advised-even pressured–to get flu shots. Indeed, flu shots are being hawked...
read more[Translate] Vaccines are truly one of modern medicine’s biggest farces. The flu vaccine is one of the best examples of this. After...
read more[Translate] by Patrice La Vigne THE VACCINE REACTION In practice, most childhood vaccines are administered simultaneously...
read more[Translate] An increase of fetal deaths were reported to VAERS after pregnant women were given flu vaccines. Documentation received...
read more[Translate] by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News Every day, people in the United States are being injured and killed by...
read more[Translate] NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER By Barbara Loe Fisher To activate and view hyperlinked references, please click here...
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