[Translate] By Grant A. Mincy, Center for a Stateless Society | Op-Ed (Photo: Deforestation via Shutterstock) The Sixth Mass...
read more[Translate] By Grant A. Mincy, Center for a Stateless Society | Op-Ed (Photo: Deforestation via Shutterstock) The Sixth Mass...
read more[Translate] stefano boeri plans second ‘vertical forest’ for Lausanne, Switzerland stefano boeri plans second...
read more[Translate] Much has been made of fossil fuels, but few understand the dangers of wood burning. Part 2 of a 3-part series John Upton,...
read more[Translate] THE DIRT by J.R. Taylor The Spiritual and Spectacular Meet at an Ultramodern Community Center in Connecticut – The New...
read more[Translate] “The Navy has an astonishing sense of entitlement to public lands and waters,” said retired U.S. Fish &...
read more[Translate] lroderick7 By Katie Herzog grist Add this to the list of problems with the Olympics. South Korea, host of the 2018 Winter...
read more[Translate] Ka’apor Indians set fire to illegally cut logs found near the indigenous territory. Photograph: Lunae...
read more[Translate] Humans are destroying the world as we know it…and creating a new one. —By Lizzie Wade MOTHER JONES Canon.P/Shutterstock...
read more[Translate] THE DIRT by Jared Green A new study published in the journal Nature claims that a previous satellite-based estimate of...
read more[Translate] by Katie ValentineCLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: AP Photo/Andre Penner, File In this Sept. 15, 2009 file photo, a deforested...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG By Tim Radford, Climate News Network An elegant tern swoops to catch a fish off California’s Pacific...
read more[Translate] The cultivation of palm oil is responsible for polluted rivers, vanishing forests and the displacement of communities. By...
read more[Translate] By David Edwards, The Conversation | News Analysis Much of the Earth was once cloaked in vast forests, from the...
read more[Translate] By Tim Radford, Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG Food stalls at a market in Kamuli, eastern Uganda....
read more[Translate] By Tim Radford, physician Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG A forest in Zambia devastated by slash-and-burn...
read more[Translate] Researchers find that making woodlands part of the food supply will help alleviate hunger worldwide. Emily J. Gertz is...
read more[Translate] by Natasha Geiling CLIMATE PROGRESS Hundreads of trees sit dead in the San Bernardino National Forest in California, due...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG By Alex Kirby, Climate News Network Logging is a major factor in the serious loss of forest cover in...
read more[Translate] Environment A new study uncovers the ruinous consequences, order to plant and animal species, of our increasingly...
read more[Translate] Simon Fraser University By Maddie Oatman GRIST This story was originally published by Mother Jones and is reproduced...
read more[Translate] By Liz Core GRIST Marielle Anzelone, drug a botanist and urban ecologist, wants to grow a forest in Times Square …...
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