The most venomous new thug aga...
[Translate] Posted by Erin Elizabeth HEALTHNUTNEWS.COM By Dr. Mercola The featured documentary, “Harvest of Greed,”...
read more[Translate] Posted by Erin Elizabeth HEALTHNUTNEWS.COM By Dr. Mercola The featured documentary, “Harvest of Greed,”...
read more[Translate] June 5th, 2018 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World The Bayer-Monsanto entity is now the largest...
read more[Translate] asia GRAPHIC details are filtering through of violent massacres in towns that have been cut off from the modern day...
read more[Translate] By Irwin Ozborne Contributing writer for Wake Up World “The love of possessions is a disease with them...
read more[Translate] By Ashraful Azad, openDemocracy | Op-Ed At this moment, a genocide is happening in Myanmar of which most of the world...
read more[Translate] Environment The ICC isn’t known for prosecuting people responsible for huge oil slicks, chopping down protected...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG teleSUR The United States has waged a long war against Native Americans. That war continues with abandoned...
read more[Translate] The Opinion Pages | Op-Ed Columnist Nicholas Kristof NY TIMES Photo Jano Begum Credit Nicholas Kristof/The New York...
read more[Translate] World Myanmar has hired a lobbying team to make its case to the U.S. government and media outlets. By Zaid Jilani /...
read more[Translate] UN agency says at least 77 children have been killed in conflict since 26 March, and also warns of looming malnutrition...
read more[Translate] Activism Why Code Pink Says Kissinger Is the Real “Low-life Scum” Senator John McCain called activists...
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