A grandiose collective paranoi...
A grandiose collective paranoid fantasy: It’s time to speak honestly about the GOP’s evolution into a conspiracy cult
read moreA grandiose collective paranoid fantasy: It’s time to speak honestly about the GOP’s evolution into a conspiracy cult
read moreFor years now we’ve known that Donald Trump lied and cheated in his business dealings. We know that—at a minimum—he welcomed Russian interference in the 2016 election and that he obstructed justice to thwart the investigation of those efforts. We know that he extorted the Ukrainian president to get dirt on his political opponent and then covered it up by obstructing investigations in congress.
read moreConservatives have spent years bashing the notion of global warming. So why are several Republicans suddenly calling for a GOP policy aimed at mitigating it?
read more“This bill calls a halt to the Administration’s headlong rush to sell off this special wilderness to corporate polluters.”
read moreThroughout our country’s history politics have always been divisive, so much so that the Civil War was fought over slavery, at times pitting neighbor against neighbor, brother against brother.
read moreIn Martin County, Kentucky, residents are paying steep prices for water that sometimes comes out of the tap brown and foul-smelling—that is, when it comes out at all.
read moreA decade ago, West Virginia foreshadowed the influence that money and politics have come to have on state judiciaries. Now, it may warn of a worrying new trend.
read moreThe president’s supporters live a double-folded state of being, in which the same action that’s shameful for Democrats is praiseworthy for the GOP.
read moreReaders react to one steadfast Republican’s reasons for staying loyal to his party—in spite of the wounds inflicted by Donald Trump.
read moreThe midterms will determine whether Donald Trump’s two-year assault on democratic norms will be repudiated—or validated. No pressure.
read moreMy lawyer had to threaten Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp with a federal lawsuit to force…
read morehe Republican Party officially filed for moral bankruptcy on Tuesday morning…
read moreBeliefs about climate change are increasingly determined by politics…
read moreWhy the modern G.O.P. keeps abandoning principles it claims to honor.
read more[Translate] The president fails to protect the country from an ongoing attack. By Charles M. Blow nytimes Image President Donald...
read more[Translate] A new study shows us what observation should already have made clear: a messy restructuring of America’s political...
read more[Translate] By Jake Johnson, Common Dreams | Report A view of the commission’s hearing room before a hearing at the Federal...
read more[Translate] By RockyMtnHigh Karl Rove was known for his strategy of attacking his opponents strengths and trying to turn them into...
read more[Translate] Democracy & Government For the public to hold their representatives accountable, they need to have accurate — or at...
read more[Translate] By AVIK ROY Photo Credit Thoka Maer Throughout the 2016 campaign — and for months afterward — Donald Trump promised that...
read more[Translate] The Trump budget is not the first time the Republicans have proposed largely eliminating the federal government. By Dean...
read more[Translate] By Eugene Robinson TRUTHDIG.COM Former President Barack Obama mistakenly believed the Affordable Care Act would...
read moreCan President Donald J. Trump and the Republicans actually govern?
read more[Translate] David Leonhardt NYTIMES Without a viable health care agenda of their own, Republicans now face a choice between two...
read more[Translate] By John Harper OCCUPYDEMOCRATS.COM Mesothelioma, the cancer associated with exposure to asbestos, is a terrifying...
read more[Translate] The high court reverses lower court ruling in case against Virginia State Board of Elections SALON.COM (Credit: AP...
read more[Translate] By MATT FLEGENHEIMER and THOMAS KAPLAN NYTIMES Photo Senator Tim Scott, left, and Representative Mark Sanford,...
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