Grids and Greed: An Expert Bre...
“The problem is much more ingrained in the way this company has developed and continues to operate than it is something as simple as just trying to make more money.”
read more“The problem is much more ingrained in the way this company has developed and continues to operate than it is something as simple as just trying to make more money.”
read morePacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) has cut the power on millions of Californians. It is a pre-emptive move to cut the company’s liabilities for potential wildfires. The announcement and subsequent handling of this forced blackout has been chaotic.
read more[Translate] by Is the health insurance business a racket? Yes, literally. And this is why the shameless pandering to robber...
read more[Translate] Amando Flavio CREATIVE COMMONS – Although theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking is not a...
read more[Translate] via DAILY KOS by Thinking FellaFollow for Four Corners Kossacks At approximately 10:30am on Wednesday, August 5th, 2015,...
read more[Translate] George Monbiot THE GUARDIAN Keep it in the ground: Energy giants claim they dig new opencast mines to fund the closure...
read more[Translate] by Casey Coates Danson Read this carefully to scroll down to the 39 mandatory vaccinations your child must endure –...
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