Emails Show the Meatpacking In...
Emails Show the Meatpacking Industry Drafted an Executive Order to Keep Plants Open
read moreEmails Show the Meatpacking Industry Drafted an Executive Order to Keep Plants Open
read moreClimate Crisis will also be Killing 250K / year Soon, and Needs same Planetary Swift Action as Covid-19
read moreHealth care is Americans’ number-one priority, based on recent polls, so it’s no wonder it’s been a hot topic in the Democratic primary.
read moreAcademics and regulators at odds over impact of chemical additives.
read moreAs the health care debate heats up, it’s time to be clear about what Medicare for All is and what it is not. Medicare for All does not mean giving…
read more[Translate] No Choice Anti-abortion activists are continuing a five-year assault on abortion rights, but there is a cadre of lawyers,...
read more[Translate] Robert Borosage OURFUTURE.ORG In his first 70 days in office, President Donald Trump is shedding his most popular...
read more[Translate] By Bill Moyers, Moyers & Company | Op-Ed The day after Republicans pulled the plug on Trumpcare (or was it...
read more[Translate] by Erica Hellerstein & Josh Israel THINK PROGRESS CREDIT: Dylan Petrohilos When Rita, a Michigan-based OB-GYN,...
read more[Translate] Isaiah J. Poole AMERICANS FOR A SAFE FUTURE It’s “Neoliberals Gang Up on Bernie Sanders Week” along the corridor of...
read more[Translate] We can’t keep pretending dental work is cosmetic. Poor oral hygiene can lead to diabetes, heart disease and...
read more[Translate] By Staff, The Next System Project | Interview “The human species is now at a point where it has to make choices...
read more[Translate] Could Sanders’ Social Justice Ideas Really Work? Take a Look at These Places By Fran Korten, YES! Magazine | Film...
read more[Translate] AMERICANS FOR A SAFE FUTURE Isaiah J. Poole Jasmine Tucker, senior research analyst at the National Priorities Project,...
read more[Translate] Apparently for some, American exceptionalism means exceptional stupidity. By Larry Schwartz / AlterNet Solar power in...
read more[Translate] Money & Politics By Bill Moyers and Michael Winship Chelsea Clinton, (C) daughter of democratic Presidential...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG / Common Dreams Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock From her call for a major air and ground war against ISIS to her...
read more[Translate] By Chris Hedges TRUTHDIG IBWC KC / YouTube Three prisoners—Melvin Ray, James Pleasant and Robert Earl...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG The lettering in the Cuban street art above reads, “Freer than air.” (Gil.K / As The...
read more[Translate] (Credit: CURAphotography via Shutterstock/Salon) Michael Lind SALON.COM “Equal rights for all, special...
read more[Translate] By Richard Kogan and Isaac Shapiro, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities | News Analysis House Speaker John Boehner...
read more[Translate] By Bill Boyarsky TRUTHDIG Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, online center, reaches to shake hands with House...
read more[Translate] News & Politics Why this year’s budget debate matters — and why you need to be actively engaged. By Isaiah J....
read more[Translate] Ryan Grim Lobbyists and trade groups have pumped huge sums into the coffers of super PACs and...
read more[Translate] | Posted by Jim Hightower The GOP led House of Representatives has proudly achieved a historic legislative...
read more[Translate] The design director of Perkins+Will Miami on how architects can help lead a new era of integrated and pluralistic...
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