[Translate] Dezeen Magazine Anna Winston Homes without internal walls, kitchens or bathrooms are being billed as a solution to...
read more[Translate] Dezeen Magazine Anna Winston Homes without internal walls, kitchens or bathrooms are being billed as a solution to...
read more[Translate] Dutch court orders state to reduce emissions by 25% within five years to protect its citizens from climate change in...
read more[Translate] Kelly Rigg HUFFINGTON POST In April I wrote about a landmark Dutch lawsuit on climate action that, if successful, would...
read more[Translate] HUFFINGTON POST Since the days of Watergate, the question “What did he know, and when did he know it?” has...
read more[Translate] by Liz Eve, INHABITAT By 2050, for sale 85 percent of an estimated 9 billion people will be living in cities, and food...
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