To reduce world hunger, govern...
To reduce world hunger, governments need to think beyond making food cheap
read moreTo reduce world hunger, governments need to think beyond making food cheap
read moreNew ‘Alarming’ Research Shows Nearly 1 in 5 Children in US Going Without Enough Food Amid Coronavirus Crisis
read morePeople in El Rosario live on the edge of hunger, not knowing if the next harvest will come. Climate change is a driving force of food insecurity.
read more[Translate] Trump overwhelms the news, helping the robber-baron class more quietly pillage the country. By Eric Alterman THE...
read more[Translate] Food Every year, Monsanto and its biotech allies celebrate destructive, industrialized agriculture. By Katherine Paul /...
read more[Translate] iStock Sudan says to push for full lifting of US sanctions Sudan may return to war if US keeps sanctions: minister...
read more[Translate] By Thacher Schmid, Medium | Op-Ed Rosata Hezumuryano, a Burundi refugee who founded Happiness Family Farm at New...
read more[Translate] Next up: puppy kicking? Tom Philpott MOTHER JONES Put that apple down, you little moocher. KeremYucel/iStock...
read more[Translate] Sam Pizzigati, | Op-Ed At a feeding center supported by World Vision, local staff check children for...
read more[Translate] December 15th, 2016 By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World Food waste is a massive problem in America....
read more[Translate] By NICHOLAS CASEY NYTIMES Photo Migrants preparing to board the smugglers’ boats that will take them from Venezuela to...
read more[Translate] THE GUARDIAN Food and Agriculture Organisation says 330,000 people are on verge of ‘a food security catastrophe’...
read more[Translate] Young adults are increasingly victims of a failing economy that is leaving them starving. By Michelle Chen THE...
read more[Translate] Paul Buchheit, AlterNet Hungry child eating bread (Shutterstock) Don’t miss stories. Follow Raw Story! America’s...
read more[Translate] The South American country’s failing economy has left schoolkids subsisting on water and corn cakes. A girl eats a...
read more[Translate] Food for Thought is redistributing leftover restaurant meals in Pakistan to people in need. (Photo: Courtesy Aatir...
read more[Translate] From crisis to disaster in Venezuela By Tiffany Harness THE WASHINGTON POST Disaster seems so imminent in Venezuela that...
read more[Translate] By Tim Radford / Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG Millions throughout Africa depend on maize, but new crop...
read more[Translate] Photographer Joey O’Loughlin gets personal with the New Yorkers who rely on food pantries to put dinner on the...
read more[Translate] In some parts of Arizona, the child hunger rate is twice as high as it is nationally. By Sarah McColl / TakePart VIA...
read more[Translate] Food The majority of food waste ends up in landfills where it releases methane, a greenhouse gas 21 times stronger than...
read more[Translate] Shutterstock By Nathanael Johnson GRIST In this era of asymmetrical polarization it seems like laws can only pass in...
read more[Translate] Health by Alex Zielinski THINK PROGRESS CREDIT: Shutterstock/Image by Dylan Petrohilos It’s been nearly 400 years since...
read more[Translate] By Marcus Harrison Green, YES! Magazine | Interview (Image: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)If she did not make plasma...
read more[Translate] “Twenty-one percent of all the waste in landfills is food.” By Karen Matthews HUFFINGTON POST GREEN...
read more[Translate] By Stanley Heller TRUTHDIG Boys play amid the rubble of a house destroyed by a Saudi-led airstrike in Sanaa,...
read more[Translate] by Natasha Geiling CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: Jordan Figueiredo Jordan Figueiredo wants you to be able to buy these amorous...
read more[Translate] History has shown us time and time again that we are only human. By Eduardo Galeano THE NATION 1886 Map of the British...
read more[Translate] by Samantha Page THINK PROGRESS Up to a half of all food is wasted, reports show. CREDIT: AP Photo/Elaine Thompson...
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