Melting Greenland Is Awash in ...
As Greenland warms and the ice sheet melts, sediment pours out along with the water. That might help meet a growing worldwide demand for sand.
read moreAs Greenland warms and the ice sheet melts, sediment pours out along with the water. That might help meet a growing worldwide demand for sand.
read moreIn the early hours of a November dawn, Dr. Leslie Field found herself motoring a snowmobile some 300 miles above the Arctic Circle, hauling straight toward the sunrise in below-zero temperatures.
read moreYou might have heard about the exceptional heat this year in the northern hemisphere and around the world. March was just declared the second warmest on record globally
read more[Translate] If you or someone you know needs proof that global climate change is real and is happening before our very eyes, you...
read more[Translate] By Valerie Brown / Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG The Trans-Alaska pipeline runs 800 miles from the Arctic...
read more[Translate] by Joe Romm CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: AP/DENNIS COOK James Hansen and 18 leading climate experts have published a...
read more[Translate] By Alex Kirby, Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG Harnessing the power of Muskrat Falls to produce...
read more[Translate] Shutterstock By Ana Sofia Knauf GRIST The Southern Antarctic Peninsula has dropped the ice equivalent of 350,000 Empire...
read more[Translate] by Pakalolo DAILY KOS ‘It’s catastrophic, really. They kill 99 per cent of things they come in contact...
read more[Translate] [Note for TomDispatch Readers: Sad news from me. On Monday, Eduardo Galeano died of cancer. I was his U.S. book...
read more[Translate] What sort of wake-up call do the deniers need? By Pakalolo / Daily Kos VIA ALTERNET Photo Credit: American...
read more[Translate] by Ari Phillips CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: shutterstock The coldest place on Earth just got warmer than has ever been...
read more[Translate] By Tim Radford, capsule Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG One of 62 satellite receivers used to detect Earth crust...
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