Video: Regardless of Results, ...
Video: Regardless of Results, Kentucky’s Primary Shows Environmental Justice is an Issue for Voters
read moreVideo: Regardless of Results, Kentucky’s Primary Shows Environmental Justice is an Issue for Voters
read moreThe year-old firm has trained laid-off coal workers to become software coders.
read moreIn Martin County, Kentucky, residents are paying steep prices for water that sometimes comes out of the tap brown and foul-smelling—that is, when it comes out at all.
read moreKentucky is one of 25 states where, provided certain conditions are met, a child can walk down the aisle to marry at any age
read moreBerea College, in Kentucky, has paid for every enrollee’s education using its endowment for 126 years.
read moreThe company says the farm will give jobs to displaced coal miners.
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read more[Translate] by Ryan Koronowski CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: Shutterstock When the Obama administration unveiled its plan to make...
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