In Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro’s An...
An oil spill has been contaminating the northeastern shore for weeks.
read moreAn oil spill has been contaminating the northeastern shore for weeks.
read moreThe images flew around the world. The teepees. The tear gas. The Indigenous water protectors’ camps.
read moreFew Americans know it, but the United States is currently embroiled…
read more[Translate] Exclusive Activists, wildlife rangers and indigenous leaders are dying violently at the rate of about four a week, with a...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG By Chris Hedges The sun sets at Juliette, Ga., behind the coal-fired facility known as Plant Scherer,...
read more[Translate] By Nancy Piñeiro Moreno and Translated by Laura Beratti, teleSUR | News Analysis These six Mapuche women have taken the...
read more[Translate] THE GUARDIAN Towering 200 metres above the desert, the Atacama 1 will harvest the sun’s energy from a surrounding...
read more[Translate] Crowds gathered after former Guatemalan dictator Efraín Ríos Montt was found guilty of crimes against humanity. (AP...
read more[Translate] Want to know why Clinton’s State Dept. failed to help an elected leader? Follow the money and stench of Lanny Davis...
read more[Translate] Environmentalists sound alarm over plans to construct 5,300km route between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans to cut...
read more[Translate] Environment The most challenging question is whether increasing extraction today can lay the foundation for decreasing...
read more[Translate] World The United States deployed special forces to 70 percent of the nations on earth. By Nick Turse / Tom Dispatch ...
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