Three Trump Speeches and the D...
[Translate] Democracy & Government In just a short time, through actions and especially words, this presidency has diminished us...
read more[Translate] Democracy & Government In just a short time, through actions and especially words, this presidency has diminished us...
read more[Translate] Mark Hand Climate reporter @ThinkProgress. Legal experts say Trump’s ‘law-and-order’ administration is emboldening...
read more[Translate] Human Rights Forget the white working class; his base is the Fraternal Order of Police. By Nathalie Baptiste / AlterNet...
read more[Translate] Drugs In 2014, law enforcement officers took more property from Americans—$4.5 billion—than burglars did By Theshia...
read more[Translate] We still do not know the extent of Russian hacking. By Steven Rosenfeld / AlterNet Photo Credit: There’s...
read more[Translate] Perhaps it’s time to change how Americans want justice distributed Rebecca Gordon, VIA SALON.COM...
read more[Translate] By Derek Royden, | News Analysis It’s well established that the FBI surveilled civil rights and other...
read more[Translate] Six of the seven items on ‘prohibited list’ have not been distributed to law enforcement for years and skeptics...
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