Here’s How to Cover Uninsured ...
Here’s How to Cover Uninsured Americans During the Pandemic
read moreHere’s How to Cover Uninsured Americans During the Pandemic
read moreAny Medicare for All is better than our present system, but this second version is far better
read moreINVESTOR-OWNED HOSPITALS are leading the fight against the creation of a comprehensive, universal health care system, according to corporate filings reviewed by MapLight and The Intercept.
read moreHealth care is Americans’ number-one priority, based on recent polls, so it’s no wonder it’s been a hot topic in the Democratic primary.
read moreThere is a winning campaign theme that progressives can use against Trump, and it isn’t “Medicare for all.”
read more“This is devastating for our families and our country,” said Rep. Pramila Jayapal in response
read more“This Medicare for All bill really makes it clear what we mean when we say ‘Medicare for All.’”
read moreAs the health care debate heats up, it’s time to be clear about what Medicare for All is and what it is not. Medicare for All does not mean giving…
read moreCompany insurance is deeply entrenched and poses a big challenge to Medicare-for-all — but costs for those plans are on the rise.
read more[Translate] Richard Eskow OURFUTURE.ORG The idea of Medicare for All, or single-payer health care, has grown in popularity so...
read more[Translate] By Robert Reich / As Republicans in Congress move to repeal the Affordable Care Act, Democrats are moving...
read more[Translate] 401(K) 2012 / CC BY-SA 2.0 American corporations would benefit from single-payer health care, so why do so few...
read moreMedical bills are a leading causes of bankruptcy, even for those who carry insurance.
read more[Translate] Robert Borosage OURFUTURE.ORG In his first 70 days in office, President Donald Trump is shedding his most popular...
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